What is an operational map layer?
Operational map layers contain the editable content of your mobile project. They are vector-based, point, line, and polygon data that your field crew can query, edit, and synchronize in the field. Operational map layers are stored inside a mobile cache for use in the ArcGIS for Windows Mobile field applications. A mobile cache is a lightweight database designed for use in ArcGIS for Windows Mobile.
You can create a mobile cache containing an operational map layer or map layers in one of the following ways:
- Use the Create Mobile Cache geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS for Desktop. First, in your ArcMap document, add and symbolize the operational layers you want to include in your mobile project. Next, run the Create Mobile Cache tool to generate a mobile cache, then add a mobile cache that you just created to a mobile project and save it using Mobile Project Center. Mobile Project Center copies it to the project folder. The original mobile cache created from the geoprocessing tool still exists in its original output location, but any field work performed is done on the mobile cache in the project folder not the original output location.
A mobile cache created in this manner works with a desktop workflow (see Desktop and Server workflows for more information) and does not support data synchronization in the field. To check your field edits back into the geodatabase, use the Synchronize Mobile Cache geoprocessing tool in your ArcMap document.
- Packaging data from mobile services or hosted feature services. First, add the services to your project in Mobile Project Center, then use MPC's data packaging tool to create a mobile cache and download the data into them. A mobile cache created in this manner can be used for field-to-office real-time data synchronization (field workers have Internet connection).
One cache is created for each service.
Note that data packaging is mandatory for projects with hosted feature services and is recommended for projects with mobile services. If you create a mobile project without packaging data, a mobile cache schema is created for each service with no actual data. Your field crew members can use the field devices to access the service and update the operational map data in the cache, if they have Internet connection.
- Download from a mobile service or a hosted feature service using an ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Windows Mobile custom application. You can also use the application to upload field edits when connected.

All map layers, both operational and basemap, must share the same spatial reference. You may need to re-project your data to ensure that this requirement is met.