GPS and GPS collection settings

GPS settings and GPS collection settings allow you to:


Most of the settings below can be done with or without a GPS connection.


The settings are effective at application level and apply to all projects.

Using a Windows Mobile device

If you're using a Windows Mobile device, GPS settings and GPS collection settings can be accessed from the Settings page. To get to this page, start the application, open a project (for details refer to Opening/Closing/Deleting projects), and tap Menu > Settings.

GPS settings

  1. On the Settings page, tap the first item (GPS—GPS Settings).
  2. The GPS Settings page appears. GPS Connection Settings show current configuration for Com Port and Baud Rate, and if you need to change it, tap GPS Connection Settings. If you're not sure about the settings, contact your project administrator.
  3. Depending on whether you want your device to be connected to GPS automatically every time the application starts up, tap Yes or No for the Connect on start up setting.

    If GPS is not connected, a dialog box appears requesting if you want to connect to GPS when you initiate most of GPS related tasks, like GPS Location at Collecting features using Windows Mobile device.

  4. Tap Connect To GPS/Disconnect From GPS to connect/disconnect. This indicates the GPS connection status whether or not your device connects to the GPS correctly.

    To see the current GPS status, tap the Status right soft menu on the GPS Settings page.

  5. Tap Done at the bottom left of the GPS Settings page to save the settings.

GPS collection settings

GPS collection settings allow you to define streaming settings (read Collecting features using Windows Mobile device for more details on data collection using GPS streaming) and general GPS quality filters for data collection leveraging GPS device.

Streaming settings

  1. On the Settings page, tap GPS Collection > Streaming Settings.

    The GPS Streaming Settings page appears.

  2. Select the streaming mode (time or distance) and interval (if by time) or distance (if by distance), tap OK to save and return to the Settings page. You can restore to the default setting by tapping Click to restore defaults.

Quality filter settings

  1. On the Settings page, tap GPS Collection > GPS Quality Filter Settings.

    The GPS Quality Filter page appears.

  2. Tap Required Fix Type or Maximum PDOP respectively, with the type of GPS fix and maximum PDOP value required by your organization's data collection workflow. You can restore to the default setting by tapping Click to restore defaults.

    Optionally, your project administrator can disable these settings. If so, information appears at the top of the page indicating that these settings can't be changed.


    Quality indicators show as green squares on the right corner if incoming GPS positions for GPS collections meets requirements (while red squares indicate the opposite).

  3. Tap OK to return to the Settings page.

Using a Windows device

If you're using a Windows device, you can configure GPS settings regardless if a project is opened or not. For the GPS collection settings (includes GPS quality filter settings and GPS streaming settings), however, you can configure them only when you're collecting a polyline or polygon feature (to learn more about GPS streaming, read Collecting features using Windows Mobile device).

GPS settings

  1. Start the ArcGIS application (read Running the application for the first time for more details).
  2. Tap the menu icon Menu icon button at the upper left corner, then tap View and Manage Settings.
  3. The View and Manage Settings page appears. Tap GPS Settings and Status.
  4. The GPS Settings and Status page appears. If your GPS is disconnected, under the Settings area, tap the Serial Port drop-down list or the Baud Rate drop-down list to configure the serial port and baud rate for your GPS unit. If you're not sure about the settings, contact your project administrator.
  5. Depending on whether you want your device to be connected to GPS automatically when the application starts up, check/uncheck the Automatically connect to GPS on application startup setting.

    If GPS is not connected, a dialog box appears indicating if you want to connect to GPS when you initiate most of GPS related tasks, like using GPS position on Collecting features using Windows device.

  6. Tap Connect/Disconnect to test GPS settings.

    If your GPS is connected, the current GPS status shows at the bottom of the page.

  7. Tap Back to save the settings.

GPS collection settings

The quality filter setting is used for data collection with a GPS device, including point, polyline, and polygon. For polyline and polygon data collection using GPS streaming, an additional streaming setting is available for configuration. For more details about data collection using GPS, see Collecting features using Windows device.

To configure these settings:

Using GPS streaming

  1. Start a geometry collecting session for a polyline or a polygon feature using GPS streaming (read Collecting features using Windows device to learn more).
  2. Make sure that streaming hasn't begun or is paused. Tap the Forward arrow button next to Stream GPS Position, then tap Streaming Settings.
  3. The GPS Streaming Settings page appears.
    • To configure quality filter, under the Quality Filter area, tap Required Fix Type or Maximum PDOP to change their values accordingly.

      Optionally, your project administrator can disable these settings. If so, you won't be able to change it.


      The quality indicator shows as a green square in the right corner if the incoming GPS position for GPS collection meets the requirements, while the red square means it does not.

    • To configure streaming settings, under the Streaming Settings area, choose Time or Distance as the streaming mode by tapping one of them, then set an interval or distance.
  4. Tap Save to save the settings, or Cancel to discard the changes.

Using GPS position

  1. Start a geometry collecting session for a polyline or a polygon feature using GPS position (read Collecting features using Windows device for details).
  2. Tap the Forward arrow button next to Collect using GPS Position and tap GPS Position Settings.
  3. The GPS Quality Filter Settings page appears. Tap Required Fix Type or Maximum PDOP to change their values respectively.

    Optionally, your project administrator can disable these settings for the project.


    The quality indicator shows as a green square on the right corner if incoming GPS position for GPS collection meets the requirements, while the red square means it does not.

  4. Tap Save to save the settings or Cancel to discard the changes.