Sharing mobile projects

After you have finished authoring a project and saved it, you are ready to provision it to field devices. Depending on your available resources, you can deploy a project in several ways: You can share the project to ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS or your on-premise ArcGIS for Server and then have your field workers download it from their devices. You can also deploy the project through desktop connection or through a third-party system. To know more about deployment through desktop connection, read Deploying a mobile project.

You should consider the sharing options rather than desktop deployment when:

You must first save a project before sharing it, and after you share it, a copy of the project will still retain in your local computer. To know more about saving a project, read Creating a mobile project.

How to share a mobile project?

You can follow the steps below to share a project through Mobile Project Center:

  1. Open a project you have saved previously.
  2. Click File > Share, then click ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Portal or ArcGIS Server. Using any of the options, you need to log in and you can let the application remember your credential. If you leave the Remember Me option unchecked, your will stay logged in until you close MPC. However, you can clear the credential in application settings under File > Settings > Content Sharing:
    • ArcGIS Online:

      1. If you have not logged in, a credential window will pop up requesting you to log in with your ArcGIS Online account. Enter your credential, check the Remember Me checkbox if necessary then click Sign In.
      2. Upon successful login, you will see a list of existing projects in ArcGIS Online under your user account. If you want to upload your project to the root folder, click Next; if you want to store it in a specific folder, scroll to the bottom of the window, click on the folder's name and then click Next, as shown below:
        Choose folder to store project in ArcGIS Online
      3. On the next screen, check any group(s) you want to share your project with, then click OK to upload the project. MPC then uploads the project to ArcGIS Online.
    • Portal for ArcGIS:

      1. If you have not defined the URL of your Portal for ArcGIS, the ArcGIS Portal Settings window will pop up requesting you to specify the URL and login. If you have predefined a URL already, you will see the login window directly. Enter (the URL and) your credential, check the Remember Me checkbox if necessary then click Sign In.
      2. As with ArcGIS Online, an Upload to ArcGIS Portal window prompts for you to choose a folder and store your project. Select one and click Next.
      3. On the next window select the parties to share your project with, then click OK. MPC then uploads the project to Portal for ArcGIS.
    • ArcGIS for Server:

      1. The Upload to ArcGIS Server window pops up, enter the server URL then click Connect. If you have not logged in previously the credential box will appear. Enter your credential and click Sign In.
      2. Upon successful log in, you will see a list of existing folders in your content server. By default, a project will be saved to the Projects folder. If you want to store the project to another folder, click on the name of the folder and click OK.