StreetMap for Windows Mobile

If you need to support a disconnected workflow for your field crews, you can provision your Windows Mobile devices, and Windows tablets and notebooks with basemap data from StreetMap for Windows Mobile. You can also use a streetmap dataset for point-to-point routing in tablet and notebook devices.

Organization of a StreetMap for Windows Mobile dataset

StreetMap for Windows Mobile is a vector-based data product licensed for use with ArcGIS for Windows Mobile and includes datasets for North America and Europe. Each dataset is comprised of the following:

Using StreetMap for Windows Mobile as an offline basemap

To use a streetmap dataset as an offline basemap, add a reference to it in your project in Mobile Project Center (read Adding offline basemaps to learn more). After saving the project, manually deploy the dataset to each field device used by your crew (read Deploying a basemap separately for step-by-step instructions). This is necessary because your project contains only references to this data. When the project is opened by the field applications, the applications look for a folder matching the name of the StreetMap folder specified in the Additional basemap folder Application settings.

Using StreetMap for Windows Mobile for routing

For routing purposes, you do not need to add the streetmap dataset into the mobile project in Mobile Project Center. Instead, include the Route task (read Configuring tasks and capabilities) in your project, then deploy the dataset to the field devices (read Deploying a streetmap dataset for routing) for use by the field application.
