Designing and creating mobile maps using ArcGIS for Desktop

When designing and creating mobile data and maps for use in the field, consider how field workers view map data and editing features. Field workflows are different from those performed in the office. Factors that can influence the design of your mobile map include the following:

To address these factors, you can design mobile maps with a purpose and consider the workflows, tasks, devices, and field environments with which the mobile projects will be used.

The following sections illustrate some key mobile map design considerations and details on how ArcGIS for Windows Mobile applications work with ArcGIS for Desktop map symbology. This topic focuses on operational map layers, since this type of map layer is used heavily in field work for editing and viewing. For more information about mobile maps, see Overview of a mobile map.

Data considerations

Mobile maps often contain operational map layers for editing or for providing read-only reference information. For example, pole inspection maps often contain pole, transformer, and transmission layers, that can be updated in the field. Pole inspection maps also include parcel or block boundaries, street centerlines, address information, and even other vector layers as supportive background data.

Because of the potentially large size of data cached on the device, it's important for performance and storage reasons that all background data be as small and simple as possible. To simplify background data and limit its size, first consider whether the background layers are required to complete the field task for which the application is designed. If background layers are required, use simple symbology to represent features, and use the generalization tools in ArcGIS for Desktop to simplify the shape of background layers.

If you want to include raster data or satellite imagery as a basemap, also consider the extent to be included in your mobile project because the size of the basemap is also limited by the storage constraints of your field devices (for more information, see the Storage Constraints section in this topic). However, to include a basemap, you can use ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS for Server to create tile packages or tiled datasets, and use them as basemaps in Mobile Project Center. For more details, see Creating a tile package or tiled dataset.

Work environment conditions

You should have a field user's mind-set when designing a map. Consider the fieldwork environment, which may be a stressful environment (such as disaster management), or other conditions including intense sunlight, darkness, rain, or sub-zero snow conditions. Lighting conditions have a direct impact on the colors and symbols you choose when designing your map. In the office, you are designing maps under ideal conditions. The artificial light and large monitors used in the office enable the use of a wide range of colors and symbols. However, this is something often solved by experimentation on the mobile device used in the field. The following tips can be used as a general guideline:

Remember, what looks good in the office on a desktop computer may not look good outside on a mobile device.

The following map examples demonstrate the difference between office use and field use:

Complex map design
Simple map design

Device form factors

Consider the form factor of the mobile device you are targeting with your application and the format in which maps display (portrait or landscape). Most Pocket PC devices have a resolution of 320x240, but they can vary considerably. The monitor you're using when designing your maps is most likely 1024x780, 1280x1024, or higher. Resolution has a direct impact on scale dependency. It's very important to add scale dependency to layers in your map so that you display layer content only when it's needed. This improves the clarity of your maps, and more importantly, it reduces the time it takes to draw the map.

Set a visible scale for each layer.


ArcGIS for Windows Mobile applications do not honor the reference scale you set on a map, so symbols do not scale when you zoom in and out.

When designing for the device form factor, shrink the size of the map display window in ArcMap to mimic the size of the device, and set scale dependency accordingly. Take this into consideration when determining the appropriate marker symbol size and line symbol thickness, as shown in the following screen shot:
Shrink ArcMap display to approximate device resolution

Map symbology

The symbols you choose to display geographic information determines how effective the map is in your mobile application. If you're rebuilding an existing application or if paper maps are used in the field, use symbols that are familiar to field-workers if possible. Keep the symbols simple, and remember that contrast is important in conveying the right information on your map. The challenge is that you're designing a mobile map using a desktop application that is meant for authoring maps to other desktop or web applications, not field applications.

When designing the symbology to use, determine whether you're going to use a desktop or a server workflow, since one symbology supported by a mobile service or hosted feature service may not be supported by a mobile cache created from the mobile geoprocessing tool, or vice versa. For more information about both workflows, see Workflows for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile.

Symbology in ArcGIS can be categorized into point , lines, polygons, and text. ArcGIS for Windows Mobile supports a subset of ArcGIS symbol sets (where reference scale is not supported); therefore, choose a size based on the scale at which the point feature displays. Supported symbology is summarized as follows (with details in the following tables):

  • All simple symbols are supported.
  • 3D symbols are not supported when data comes from a mobile service or feature service.
  • All 2D symbols are supported by the desktop workflow and most are supported by the server workflow In both workflows. symbols may be downgraded (for example, a marker fill symbol downgraded to a simple fill symbol).
  • Labels with SQL query, expression, or multiple classes are not supported by either workflow.

Point symbols

Point symbol type

Supported by mobile service

Supported by hosted feature service

Supported by mobile cache created by GP tool


Simple Marker




Character Marker




Arrow Marker




Picture Marker





Simple Marker




Character Marker




Marker Symbol




Line symbols


It's best not to use line symbols with decorations since they get downgraded.

Line symbol type

Supported by mobile service

Supported by feature service

Supported by mobile cache created by GP tool


Simple Line




Marker Line




Picture Line




Hash Line




Cartographic Line





Simple Line




Texture Line




Polygon symbols


Avoid using a fill symbol for polygons if possible, as it often adds complexity to your map that is not needed on a mobile device.

Polygon symbol type

Supported by mobile service

Supported by feature service

Supported by mobile cache


Simple Fill Symbol




Picture Fill Symbol




Marker Fill Symbol




Line Fille Symbol




Gradient Fill Symbol





Texture Fill Symbol




Text symbols

ArcGIS for Windows Mobile supports labeling on a layer in ArcMap and annotation that is stored in a geodatabase. However, it is recommended that you use annotation for text instead of labeling, since labeling on-the-fly consumes battery.


When labeling a mobile map, consider the font you choose and how it looks on the device where the map displays. The text rotation angle is also important. For example, Tahoma 8 point font is a good font and size for labeling features on a Pocket PC. However, if the text is rotated, consider using a larger font size. Depending on the mobile device and its resolution, rotated labels may not display as clearly as you'd like.

There are some limitations in using labels and annotation:

  • Annotation layer type is not supported by a feature service.
  • Annotation stored in a map document is not supported.
  • Annotation symbol substitution (change of the annotation symbology in the current map while not affecting its display in other maps) is not supported.
  • Labels defined by SQL query is not supported.
  • Labeling using an expression is not supported. For example, a text expression that concatenates several fields to form a street address is not supported. To accomplish this, create a new field and calculate the value of the field equal to the concatenation of the existing fields.

Device memory

If you have Windows Mobile device as your target field device, take into account the available memory on the device. This is particularly important if you use a BLOB field or a raster field to store images. Since the image files are written into the memory stream, they can potentially consume all the available memory during this process. To work around this issue, create an attachment for the feature class and attach image files (as well as video and other types of files supported by your system) to the attachment feature class.


BLOB and raster fields are not supported by hosted feature services.

Storage constraints

Field devices, particularly Windows Mobile devices, usually have less storage space than a desktop machine. At the point of map design, start considering the amount of data to deploy to a field device based on its available storage space. For example, avoid adding multiple attachments to the map and deploying them together to a field device if the attachments are not needed by your field workers to complete their work.

In a mobile project, offline basemaps are usually the data that consumes most of the storage space. Offline basemaps (tile packages, tiled datasets, and StreetMap for Windows Mobile) must be stored on the device, and their sizes can easily go up beyond gigabytes. To reduce the size of an offline basemap, you can clip only the area that is needed for the field work or reduce the level of details. You can also add a basemap to your project by reference (see Adding offline basemaps for more information) so that it only needs to be deployed once, then be shared by multiple projects (if applicable).

However, if your field workers' devices have connectivity in the field, you can include online basemaps in your mobile map. When your field crew browse to a location with an online basemap at a given scale, only that area at that scale is cached temporarily in the device. The cache is cleared when the project is closed.


To learn more about selecting a basemap, see Choosing basemap layers.

If your device supports an external Secure Digital (SD) memory card, you can use it to expand the storage space on the device.
