Frequently asked questions
This topic answers questions asked by different sources and are addressed here to eliminate lengthy searches. Do not use this topic as an alternative to reading the help system, but as a supplement for resolving specific questions.
- Will my ArcGIS 10.1 Mobile application work with an ArcGIS 3.1 mobile service?
- Yes, an application developed with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Windows Mobile can connect and synchronize data with a mobile service published with a previous version of ArcGIS server.
- Can I use Visual Studio 2003 to develop an ArcGIS Runtime for Windows Mobile Application?
- No, the ArcGIS Mobile SDK requires the .NET compact framework 3.5 or higher, which is not available with VS 2003. Refer to the Mobile Developer Environments for a full list of supported configurations.
- Can I use Visual Studio 2010 to develop an ArcGIS for Windows Mobile Application?
- No, if you are developing an application to run with the Windows Mobile SDK, use Visual Studio 2008, as there are no Mobile SDK tools available for Visual Studio 2010.
- Why are the Mobile toolbox controls not added to my Visual Studio Smart Device 2008 project?
- The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Windows Mobile requires the .Net Compact Framework 3.5, which is the default for Smart Device projects in Visual Studio 2008. Ensure that you have the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 installed. It is one of the options in the drop-down list on the New Smart Device Project Window. Select it when you create a Smart Device project.
- I have built a mobile application that compiles and runs, so why do I get an empty map display?
- To troubleshoot this problem, ensure your MapCache is located correctly, then look at the size of the MapCache on disk to ensure it contains data. Finally, ensure your code calls the Open() method before the synchronization or addition to the Map control.
- I get a "Missing ArcGIS registry key” error, when I try to open/start an application on a mobile device?
- When deploying to a mobile device or mobile emulator, this error indicates that the ArcGIS Mobile runtime is missing. The ArcGIS mobile runtime can be deployed by copying the file to the device. Unpacking this CAB file installs the mobile runtime, and properly registers the libraries so they are used for all the mobile applications on that device.
- Can a newer version of ArcGIS Runtime for Windows Mobile be installed on the same machine with a previoius version?
- No, ArcGIS Runtime for Windows Mobile does not support side-by-side installation.
- Does ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Windows Mobile support differential GPS?
- Yes, both the ArcGIS Windows Mobile application and the SDK runtime support real-time differential GPS (RT-DGPS). The GPS connection reads the NMEA protocol, which contains positional information including the geographic coordinate and associated metadata that details the type and quality of the position. The majority of GPS devices currently in the market support RT-DGPS using Satellite-based Augmentation Systems (SBAS), such as the North American Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) or the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS).
- Why is my map panning when the map's CurrentMapaction is set to null?
- The MapControl has a property called UseDefaultNavigation (which if set to true) that allows the MapControl to pan and zoom using the mouse or device rocker.