ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.WPF Namespace
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ClassAddVertexSketchTool Add vertex Tool
ClassDeleteVertexSketchTool Delete Vertex SketchTool
ClassEnvelopeSketchTool Class used to draw/sketch a rectangle with visual feedback (i.e., rubber-band).
ClassGpsDisplay Base class for a control that represents the current location of a GPS connection (GpsConnection). This base class provides the logic needed to attach to the map control and GPS connection and automatically updates its position on the map control to reflect the current location of the GPS connection. To customize the appearance, create your new user control with a XAML definition (i.e., a visual representation) but derive your class from GpsDisplay instead of UserControl. After setting the GpsConnection and Map properties, the GpsDisplay base class will automatically reposition the control on the map control so it is centered on the GPS location.
ClassGpsDisplayControl Concrete implementation of GpsDisplay that display a circle with a strobe effect for the GPS location.
ClassGraphicLayer Graphic Layer
ClassInsertVertexSketchTool Sketch Tool that uses mouse and key events to insert/move a vertex on the sketch.
ClassMap Represents a collection of geographic, annotation, and graphic layers drawn using a map transformation.
ClassMoveVertexSketchTool Move Vertex SketchTool
ClassScaleBar ScaleBar base class.
ClassSelectGeometrySketchTool Select Geometry Tool
ClassSketchTool Base class for sketch operation classes.


InterfaceIMapGraphicLayer Implementing this interface allows the layer to get reference to the corresponding Map when added to the MapGraphicLayer collection


EnumerationNavigationMode Map Navigation Mode

See Also

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