ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Gps Namespace
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ClassArrowSymbol Represents a ArrowSymbol
ClassFileGpsConnection Connection between GPSDisplay and a file containing NMEA sentences with GPS data.
ClassGpsAveragingTool GpsAveragingTool is used for collecting a vertex by averaging GPS locations.
ClassGpsConnection Abstract class for connections between a GPSDisplay and a GPS data source.
ClassGpsConstructionTool Abstract class for Gps Construction tools.
ClassGpsDisplay Displays the GPS position on a map.
ClassGpsErrorEventArgs Contains information on GPS errors.
ClassGpsQualityFilter Gps Quality Filter Class
ClassGpsStreamingSettings Controls how GPS streaming should occur.
ClassGpsStreamingTool Gps Streaming Tool is used for collecting a polyline or polygon feautre by streaming GPS locations.
ClassNmeaGpsConnection Abstract class for connections utilizing the operating system GPS library and NMEA sentences for GPS data.
ClassNmeaSentenceEventArgs Contains NMEA sentences for GPS information.
ClassSatellite Contains information about a particular satellite.
ClassSerialPortGpsConnection Connection between GPSDisplay and a GPS receiver using NMEA sentences for GPS data though a serial port.


EnumerationConstellation Satellite Constellation based on the ID
EnumerationGpsBaudRate Used to specify connection speed of the serial port.
EnumerationGpsChangeType Type of GPS change that occurs.
EnumerationGpsFixStatus Fix quality of a GPS Connection based on the NMEA GPS quality indicators in a GGA string.
EnumerationGpsStreamingMode Used to specify the mode for GPS streaming.
EnumerationGpsTrackSatelliteDisplayPosition Used to specify where to display the number of satellites around the GPS Current Location symbol
EnumerationLateralOffsetDirection Defines the direction to offset coordinates.
EnumerationNmeaSentenceType Types of NMEA sentences supported by the NMEA parser.

See Also

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