Polygon Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Geometries Namespace : Polygon Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Polygon.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorPolygon ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAreaGets the polygon area in spatial reference units.  
Public PropertyBoundaryDimensionOverridden. Returns the geometry boundary dimension  
Public PropertyCurrentCoordinate Gets the current coordinate if current part has been set. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public PropertyCurrentCoordinateIndexOverridden.  Gets or sets the current vertex in the current part.  
Public PropertyCurrentPart Gets the current part CoordinateCollection. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public PropertyCurrentPartIndex Gets or sets the current geometry part. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public PropertyDimensionOverridden.  Returns the geometry dimension.  
Public PropertyExtent Returns the envelope for the Geometry object. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public PropertyGeometryTypeOverridden.  Returns the geometry type of this geometry.  
Public PropertyIsEmptyOverridden.  Returns true if the geometry is empty.  
Public PropertyIsGeometryCollectionChecks if this geometry is a collection of parts. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public PropertyIsValidOverridden.  Returns true if the geometry is valid.  
Public PropertyPartCount Gets the number of parts.  
Public PropertyParts Gets the collection of coordinates for this geometry. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public PropertyPerimeterGets the polygon perimeter in spatial reference units.  
Public PropertyShellCount Gets the number of shells for this polygon.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAddCoordinateOverridden. Adds the coordinate at the end of the current part.  
Public MethodAddCoordinatesOverridden. Adds the range of coordinates at the end of the current part.  
Public MethodAddHoleAdds a new hole to the polygon.  
Public MethodAddPartAdds a new hole or shell to the polygon.  
Public MethodAddShellAdds a new shell to the polygon.  
Public MethodBufferGeometry Creates a buffer polygon at the specified distance around the given geometry. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodClearOverridden.  Clears all the parts.  
Public MethodCloneOverridden. Returns a clone of the polygon object.  
Public MethodCrossesChecks if the geometry crosses another geometry. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodCut Splits the polygon where it crosses the polyline.  
Public MethodDeleteCurrentCoordinate Deletes the current vertex in the current part. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodDifference Constructs the difference between two geometries.  
Public MethodDisjointChecks if two Geometry objects are disjoint. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodDistanceReturns the closest distance between two Geometry objects. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodEquivalentToOverridden.  Determines whether two Polygon instances are equal.  
Public MethodExportToEsriShapeOverridden.  Creates a byte array containing a version of this geometry in ESRI shapefile format.  
Public MethodExportToWgs84EsriShape Create a byte array containing a version of this geometry in ESRI shapefile format based on Wgs84 Geographical Coordinate System. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodGetHolesOverloaded.  Returns the collection of holes for the given shell index.  
Public MethodGetNearestCoordinateOverloaded. Returns a coordinate that is closest to the input coordinate. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodGetNearestVertexOverloaded.  Finds a vertex on the geometry which is the closet one to the input point location. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodGetNearestVerticesOverloaded.  Returns all vertices in the given distance from a specific point, sorted from closest to furthest. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodGetPartReturns a copy of a specific part.  
Public MethodGetSchema This property is reserved, apply the XmlSchemaProviderAttribute to the class instead. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodGetShellReturns the coordinate collection of a specified shell within the polygon.  
Public MethodGetShells Returns the collection of shells for this polygon.  
Public MethodImportFromEsriShapeOverloaded. Overridden.  Deserializes the geometry from a BinaryReader.  
Public MethodInsertCoordinateOverridden.  Adds the coordinate in the current part at the current vertex index.  
Public MethodInsertCoordinateAfterOverridden.  Adds the coordinate in the current part after the current vertex index. The current vertex index will be increased by 1.  
Public MethodInsertCoordinatesOverridden.  Adds the range of coordinates in the current part at the current vertex index.  
Public MethodInsertCoordinatesAfterOverridden.  Adds the range of coordinates in the current part after the current vertex index. The current vertex index will be increased by the number of coordinates inserted.  
Public MethodInsertPart Inserts a copy of the coordinate collection as a part at the specific index.  
Public MethodIntersects Determines if this geometry intersects another geometry. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodLabelPointForPolygon Calculates an interior point for a polygon. The point can be used to place a label for the polygon.  
Public MethodMoveCurrentCoordinate Moves the current vertex in the current part to the specified coordinate. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodReadXmlGenerates a geometry object from its XML representation. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodRelate Returns true if the two geometries respect the specified spatial relation. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodRemoveHolesAt Removes a hole at the specified index for the given shell.  
Public MethodRemovePartAt Removes the specific part.  
Public MethodRemoveShellAt Removes the shell and the corresponding holes.  
Public MethodSimplify Simplifies the given geometry to make it topologically consistent according to their geometry type.  
Public MethodToStringOverridden. Returns a String that represents the current polygon.  
Public MethodTouchesChecks if the geometry intersects with another geometry. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodUnion Method constructs the union of geometries in the List.  
Public MethodValidateOverridden.  Indicates if the geometry is safe to be saved.  
Public MethodWithinChecks if the geometry is within another geometry. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public MethodWriteXmlConverts the geometry object into its XML representation. (Inherited from Geometry)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodOnGeometryChangedOverridden.  Invoked when the geometry parts and coordinates have changed.  

Public Events

Public EventCurrentCoordinateIndexChanged Occurs when the CurrentVertexIndex has changed. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public EventCurrentPartIndexChanged Occurs when CurrentPartIndex has changed. (Inherited from Geometry)
Public EventGeometryChanged Occurs when the geometry changed. (Inherited from Geometry)

See Also

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