IGeometry Interface Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Geometries Namespace : IGeometry Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IGeometry.

Public Properties

 PropertyBoundaryDimension Returns the geometry boundary dimension: -1 = False, 0 = Point, 1 = Line  
 PropertyDimensionReturns the geometry dimension.  
 PropertyGeometryTypeReturns geometry type of the geometry.  
 PropertyIsEmpty Returns true if the geometry is empty.  
 PropertyIsGeometryCollection Returns true if this geometry is a collection of parts.  
 PropertyParts Gets the part collection.  

Public Methods

 MethodClear Sets the geometry to empty.  
 MethodClone Creates a copy of the geometry.  
 MethodConvertGeometry Converts existing Geometry(.Net Level) to Borg Geometry.  
 MethodCrosses Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometries is: T*T****** for a point and a curve, a point and an area or a line and an area, 0******** for two curves.  
 MethodDisjoint Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometries is FF*FF****.  
 MethodDistance Returns the closest distance between the two geometries. If zero, then they intersect. If negative, one of the geometry is contained inside the other one.  
 MethodEquivalentToDetermines if two Geometry instances are equivalent in value.  
 MethodExportToEsriShape Create a byte array containing a version of this geometry in ESRI shapefile format.  
 MethodExportToWgs84EsriShape Create a byte array containing a version of this geometry in ESRI shapefile format based on Wgs84 Geographical Coordinate System.  
 MethodIntersects Determines if this geometry intersects the input geometry.  
 MethodRelate Returns true if the elements in the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries respect the spatial relation.  
 MethodTouches Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometries is FT*******, F**T***** or F***T****.  
 MethodWithin Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometries is T*F**F***.  

See Also

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