Coordinate Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Geometries Namespace : Coordinate Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Coordinate.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorCoordinate ConstructorOverloaded.  Initializes a new instance of a Coordinate class based on the spatial reference.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyIsEmpty Checks if the Coordinate is empty.  
Public PropertyX Gets or sets the X coordinate value.  
Public PropertyY Gets or sets the Y coordinate value.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAssignOverloaded.  Sets the X or Y values using another coordinate.  
Public MethodClone Returns a clone of the coordinate.  
Public MethodCompareToCompares the properties of this coordinate with another coordinate.  
Public MethodDistance Calculates the distance between this coordinate and another one.  
Public MethodEquivalentToChecks if the properties of two instances are equal.  
Public MethodOffset Offsets the coordinate by a distance and bearing.  
Public MethodSetEmptySets the coordinate empty  
Public MethodSquareDistance Calculates the square distance between this coordinate and another coordinate.  
Public MethodToStringOverridden.  Returns the string representing the values of this coordinate.  

Public Events

Public EventPropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes.  

See Also

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