ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.FeatureCaching.Synchronization Namespace
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ClassDecomposedExtent When a FeatureSyncAgent download data, it needs to decompose the requested extent into a subset of manageable extents based on a feature count threshold.
ClassFeatureAttachmentSyncAgent SyncAgent specialized for synchronizing feature attachment files. Attachment information is downloaded and uploaded with the features themselves. The attachment files have to be downloaded and uploaded separately for performance reasons.
ClassFeatureAttachmentSyncResults Represents a summary of a synchronization session for feature attachments.
ClassFeatureSyncAgent Represents the settings for a feature source involved in a synchronization.
ClassFeatureSyncProgressEventArgs Used by FeatureSyncAgent.OnProgressChanged.
ClassFeatureSyncResults Represents a summary of a synchronization session for a feature source.
ClassMapDocumentConnection Defines a connection to Map Document (MXD) and its data used for synchronizing local data.
ClassMobileCacheSyncAgent Represents a collection of SyncAgents and offers methods and properties that applies to the collection.
ClassMobileCacheSyncAgentProgressEventArgs Provides data for ProgressChanged event.
ClassMobileCacheSyncResults Represents a summary of a MobileCache synchronization session.
ClassMobileServiceConnection Defines a connection to Map Document (MXD) and its data through an ArcGIS server.
ClassRequestException Exception returned by Requests when the server failed to execute the request.
ClassRequestStatistic Request used to access information on last server request. Useful for measuring the performance of your service and prototyping your development.
ClassSyncAgent Represents the settings for data objects involved in a synchronization.
ClassSyncResults Represents a summary of a synchronization session.


EnumerationFeatureSyncStep Describes the current synchronization step of a FeatureSyncAgent.
EnumerationSyncDirection Defines the direction that data changes flow, from the perspective of the cache.
EnumerationSyncPhase Describes the sync agent progress phases.
EnumerationSyncState Defines the state that synchronization agent is in.

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