Base Type: RasterFunction
A class for a raster statistic function.
The statistics method can be used to calculate focal-statistics for each pixel of an image based on a defined focal neighborhood. The operation used to calculate the output value of the pixel can be specified using the Type property of the arguments object.
RenderingRule renderRule = new RenderingRule();
StatisticsFunction function = new StatisticsFunction();
StatisticsFunctionArguments argument = new StatisticsFunctionArguments();
argument.Names = new string[] { "Columns", "Rows", "Type" };
//col and row are int and focalstatstype is 1,2,3, or 4: one of the four possible esriFocalStatisticType
argument.Values = new object[] { col, row, focalstatstype };
renderRule.Arguments = argument;
renderRule.Function = function;
renderRule.VariableName = "Raster";
geoImgDesc.RenderingRule = renderRule;