Base Type: Color
A class for a color in the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) color system.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Black |
byte |
The black component of an CmykColor (0-255). |
Cyan |
byte |
The cyan component of an CmykColor (0-255). |
IsSpot |
bool |
Indicates if the color is a spot color. |
Magenta |
byte |
The magenta component of an CmykColor (0-255). |
Overprint |
bool |
Indicates if the color overprints. |
SpotDescription |
string |
The description of the spot plate. |
SpotPercent |
short |
The saturation of the spot plate. |
Yellow |
byte |
The yellow component of an CmykColor (0-255). |