Base Type: NAServerSolverParams
A class that describes the default properties on a vehicle routing problem network analysis layer and is used to set the input properties that are used by the Solve method to perform network analysis.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Barriers |
The input locations to load as point barriers to restrict traversability during analysis. | |
Breaks |
The input locations to load as breaks. | |
CapacityCount |
int |
The number of different capacities that are being constrained. For example, if you are constraining weight and volume, the CapacityCount would be 2. Following this example, a route feature with its Capacities field value set to "r;2000 500" would indicate that it can transport a maximum weight of 2000 units (pounds) with a maximum volume of 500 units (cubic feet). An order feature might have its DeliveryQuantities field value set to "r;10 5" indicating that the weight of the order is 10 and its volume is 5. The units for capacities are not specified in the VRP solver; furthermore, the ordering of the capacities in the string is arbitrary. This means that within a VRP analysis, capacities always need to be listed in the same sequence (in this example, weight and then volume) among all routes and orders. The number of tokens in these strings cannot exceed the CapacityCount property value. |
DefaultDate |
DateTime |
Specifies the default date portion of date-based fields (where FieldType = esriFieldTypeDate) within the VRP network analysis classes. Fields of type esriFieldTypeDate can actually be used to specify both date-time values (e.g., June 1, 2008, 8AM) and time-only values (e.g., 8AM). Time-only values will be interpreted by the VRP solver as having a date portion equal to the DefaultDate property value. For example, if a date-based field value within a particular NAClass of a VRP NAContext is set as the time-only value 8AM and the DefaultDate property value is set as June 1, 2008, then the VRP solver will interpret this date-based field value as June 1, 2008, 8AM. The DefaultDate property cannot be before January 1, 1900 or after December 31, 9999. By default, it is set equal to the current date when the solver is created. |
Depots |
The input locations to load as depots. | |
DirectionsLanguage |
string |
The language used when generating directions. This string must match a language listed in the directions.lng file on the server. |
DirectionsLengthUnits |
The length units used when generating directions. | |
DirectionsOutputType |
Defines the type of content of directions. | |
DirectionsOutputTypeSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if DirectionsOutputType is specified. |
DirectionsStyleName |
string |
The name of the formatting style of directions. For the list of supported styles see NAServer.GetNetworkDescription() and NAServerNetworkDirections. |
DirectionsTimeAttributeName |
string |
The name of the time network attribute to use when generating directions. |
DistanceFieldUnits |
The unit of distance to associate with the distance-based fields in the network analysis classes. Examples of such fields include the TotalDistance field and the CostPerUnitDistance field on the route. This distance unit need not agree with the distance unit of the accumulate cost attribute. | |
ExcessTransitTimePenaltyFactor |
double |
Excess transit time is the amount of time exceeding the time required to travel directly between the paired orders. The excess time results from breaks or travel to other intermediate orders or depots between visits to the paired orders. This property is used for calibrating excess transit time between order pairs within the solver objective function. For example, a penalty factor value of 5.0 means that one minute of excess transit time increases the solver objective function value by the cost of five minutes of work time. The higher the penalty factor, the more the solver will favor solutions with less excess transit time between paired orders versus reducing overall route duration for the fleet. The penalty influences the solver objective function during the optimization process, but is not included in the output route operating costs. The default value for this property is 1.0. |
GenerateInternalRouteContext |
bool |
Indicates if the VRP solver should create an internal Route NAContext. This is necessary to generate true route shapes and directions for the routes. |
InternalODCostMatrixType |
The type of ODMatrix to compute. Valid values include full or update. Update is only useful if you are saving the network analysis layer with the results on the server and making subsequent request on it. | |
OrderPairs |
The input locations to load as facilities. | |
Orders |
The input locations to load as incidents. | |
OutputLines |
The type of lines to compute for the output routes. Options include true shapes, true shapes with measures, straight lines, or no lines. If you are not returning routes, set this to none for better performance. | |
PolygonBarriers |
The input locations to load as polygon barriers to restrict traversability or scale cost during analysis. | |
PolylineBarriers |
The input locations to load as line barriers to restrict traversability or scale cost during analysis. | |
ReturnBarriers |
bool |
Indicates if the point barriers used during analysis should be returned. |
ReturnBreaks |
bool |
Indicates if the breaks used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnCompactDirections |
bool |
Indicates if compact driving directions should be returned. |
ReturnDepots |
bool |
Indicates if the depots used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnDepotVisits |
bool |
Indicates if the depot visits calculated during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnOrderPairs |
bool |
Indicates if the order pairs used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnOrders |
bool |
Indicates if the orders used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnPolygonBarriers |
bool |
Indicates if the polygon barriers used during analysis should be returned. |
ReturnPolygonBarriersSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if ReturnPolygonBarriers is specified. |
ReturnPolylineBarriers |
bool |
Indicates if the polyline barriers used during analysis should be returned. |
ReturnPolylineBarriersSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if ReturnPolylineBarriers is specified. |
ReturnRouteRenewals |
bool |
Indicates if the route renewals used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnRoutes |
bool |
Indicates if the route features should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnRouteSeedPoints |
bool |
Indicates if the route seed points used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnRouteZones |
bool |
Indicates if the route zones used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. |
ReturnSpecialties |
Indicates if the specialties used during analysis should be returned as a RecordSet. | |
RouteRenewal |
The input locations to load as route renewals. | |
Routes |
The input locations to load as routes. | |
RouteSeedPoints |
The input locations to load as route seed points. | |
RouteZones |
The input locations to load as route zones. | |
Specialties |
The input locations to load as specialties. | |
TimeFieldUnits |
The unit of time to associate with the time-based fields in the network analysis classes. Examples of such fields include the ServiceTime field on orders and the CostPerUnitTime field on the route. This time unit need not agree with the time unit of the impedance cost attribute. | |
TimeWindowViolationPenaltyFactor |
double |
A time window violation occurs when a route arrives at an order, depot, or break after a time window has closed. The violation is the interval between the end of the time window and the arrival time. This property is used for calibrating time window violations within the solver objective function. For example, a penalty factor value of 5.0 means that a minute of time window violation increases the solver objective function value by the cost of five minutes of work time. The higher the penalty factor, the more the solver will favor solutions with smaller time window violations versus reducing overall route duration for the fleet. This penalty factor must be zero or positive, and cannot exceed one billion. The penalty influences the solver objective function during the optimization process, but is not included in the output route operating costs. The default value for this property is 1.0. |