Base Type: RasterFunction
A class for a raster hillshade function.
Generates a grayscale model of a terrain, with the sun's relative position taken into account for shading the terrain. This method uses the Altitude and Azimuth properties to specify the sun's position.
//define image server
string url_DEMService = "http://ais3/arcgis/services/testDEM/ImageServer";
testDTED_ImageServer imageSrv = new testDTED_ImageServer();
imageSrv.Url = url_DEMService;
//define image description
GeoImageDescription geoImgDesc = new GeoImageDescription();
geoImgDesc.Height = 600;
geoImgDesc.Width = 800;
geoImgDesc.Interpolation = rstResamplingTypes.RSP_BilinearInterpolation;
ImageServiceInfo isInfo = imageSrv.GetServiceInfo();
geoImgDesc.Extent = isInfo.Extent;
//define a hillshade function and attach to a rendering rule
RenderingRule renderRule = new RenderingRule();
HillshadeFunction function = new HillshadeFunction();
HillshadeFunctionArguments argument = new HillshadeFunctionArguments();
argument.Names = new string[] { "Altitude", "Azimuth", "ZFactor" };
argument.Values = new object[] { 45, 315, 1.0 };
renderRule.Arguments = argument;
renderRule.Function = function;
renderRule.VariableName = "DEM";
geoImgDesc.RenderingRule = renderRule;
//define export format
ImageType imageType = new ImageType();
imageType.ImageFormat = esriImageFormat.esriImageJPG;
imageType.ImageReturnType = esriImageReturnType.esriImageReturnURL;
ImageResult result = imageSrv.ExportImage(geoImgDesc, imageType);
//download result
string fileName = @"c:\temp\hillshadeFunction.jpg";
System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient();
webClient.DownloadFile(result.ImageURL, fileName);