Base Type: MapTableInfo
A class that contains information for a standalone table in a map.
Property |
Type |
Description |
DefaultSubtypeCode |
int |
The default subtype value. |
Description |
string |
The table description. |
DisplayField |
string |
The primary attribute field which can be used for display purposes. |
EndTimeFieldName |
string |
The end time field for the layer. |
Fields |
An array of attribute fields contained in the table. | |
FullTimeExtent |
The field name that identifies the track ids for the layer. | |
HasAttachments |
bool |
Indicates if the layer has attachments. |
HasSubtype |
bool |
Indicates if the table has subtypes. |
ID |
int |
The unique id of standalone table. The value is unique for all layers and tables. |
IDField |
string |
The name of the table's id field. |
Name |
string |
The descriptive name of the table. |
RelateInfos |
If the table is related to one or more layers or tables in the map document, this property returns information about those relates. | |
StartTimeFieldName |
string |
The start time field for the layer. |
SubtypeFieldName |
string |
The name of the field that stores the subtype codes which are used to group rows within the table. |
SubtypeInfos |
The array of subtype information objects. | |
SupportsAdvancedQueries | bool | Indicates if the table supports calculating advanced queries (i.e. ORDER BY clauses) on its fields. |
SupportsStatistics | bool | Indicates if the table supports calculating statistics on its fields. |
SupportsTime |
bool |
Is the layer Time aware. True, if the layer participate in the time of the display. |
TimeReference |
The native TimeReference of the contents of the layer. | |
TimeValueFormat |
string |
The time field(s) values format. |
TrackIDFieldName |
string |
The field name that identifies the track ids for the table. |

When building Visual Basic projects, you might encounter compilation errors due to a known problem with case sensitivity when generating value objects for map services. To fix these issues, open Reference.vb manually (you will not see it in the project, but you can browse to it). Find the declaration of the partial public class StandaloneTableInfo, then scroll down (not far) until you find the declaration Private idField As Integer. Rename the member variable idField to idField1, scroll down until you find Public Property ID() As Integer, then replace any Me.idField references with Me.idField1.
Use MapServerInfo.StandaloneTableInfos property to get list of tables available in the map service. This object also provides a list of relates the table is participating.
When SubtypeFieldName is null, the table does not have any subtypes defined. In case the subtype field is not visible in the source map document, MapServer does not return any subtype information. When a subtype does not have a domain for a given field, SubtypeInfo.FieldDomainInfos will not have that information for that field.
A subtype can have default value. This is usually needed for editing. For example, a local street could have the default value for a speed limit attribute set to 25 miles per hour, while the default value for the main streets subtype could be 35 miles per hour. Whenever a local street is added to the streets feature class, its speed limit attribute will automatically be set to 25 miles per hour. Whenever a main street is added, the speed limit will automatically be set to the default of 35 miles per hour.
//Example: getting a list of all available standalone table in the MapService:
MapServerWS.StandaloneTableInfo[] pSTIs = pMapServerInfo.StandaloneTableInfos;
for (int i = 0; i < pSTIs.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Table Name:" + pSTIs[i].Name + ", Table Id:" + pSTIs[i].ID + "\n");