Base Type: FillSymbol
A class for a fill symbol constructed from a predefined fill style.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Style |
Fill style. |
This symbol is used to fill an areal shape with either a flood fill, a hollow fill (only the outline is drawn) or one of six simple line patterns.
It inherits all properties from FillSymbol.
You can specify the type of fill by setting the Style property to one of the esriSimpleFillStyle constants listed below.
Enumeration: esriSimpleFillStyle | Simple fill styles |
0 - esriSFSSolid | Solid fill. |
1 - esriSFSHollow | Hollow fill (same as esriSFSNull). |
1 - esriSFSNull | Empty fill. |
2 - esriSFSHorizontal | Horizontal hatch fill –– |
3 - esriSFSVertical | Vertical hatch fill |||||| |
4 - esriSFSForwardDiagonal | 45-degree downward, left-to-right hatch fill \\\\\\ |
5 - esriSFSBackwardDiagonal | 45-degree upward, left-to-right hatch fill ////// |
6 - esriSFSCross | Horizontal and vertical crosshatch ++++++ |
7 - esriSFSDiagonalCross | 45-degree crosshatch xxxxxx |