
Base Type: RasterFunction

A class for a raster stretch function.


The Stretch function is used to enhance an image by changing properties such as brightness, contrast and gamma through multiple stretch types.



StretchFunction function = new StretchFunction();

StretchFunctionArguments argument = new StretchFunctionArguments();

double[] gamma = new double[] { 1 };


RasterStatistics stats = new RasterStatistics();

stats.Max = 98.558349609375;

stats.Min = 0.24400000274181366;

stats.Mean = 30.839803164430656;

stats.StandardDeviation = 14.28627433903563;

object[] statsArray = new object[] { stats, stats, stats };


argument.Names = new string[] { "Min", "Max", "UseGamma", "Gamma", "Statistics", "NumberOfStandardDeviations", "StretchType";

//stretch type is esriRasterStretchType, possible values: 0, 3, 4, 5

argument.Values = new object[] { min, max, false, gamma, statsArray, numberofstandevs, stretchType };


RenderingRule renderRule = new RenderingRule();

renderRule.Arguments = argument;

renderRule.Function = function;

renderRule.VariableName = "Raster";
