Derived Types: AlternatingScaleBar, SingleDivisionScaleBar
An abstract class used to group together its derived types of scalebars, providing common properties.
Property |
Type |
Description |
BarHeight |
double |
The height of the bar in points (1/72 inch). |
BarHeightSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if BarHeight is specified. |
Division |
double |
The number of units in one major division. |
Divisions |
short |
The total number of divisions (including those before zero). |
DivisionsBeforeZero |
short |
The number of divisions to the left of zero. |
DivisionsBeforeZeroSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if DivisionsBeforeZero is specified. |
DivisionSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if Division is specified. |
DivisionsSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if Divisions is specified. |
LabelFrequency |
The label style indicating which marks are labeled. | |
LabelFrequencySpecified |
bool |
Indicates if LabelFrequency is specified. |
LabelGap |
double |
Vertical gap between the bar and the labels in points (1/72 inch). |
LabelGapSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if LabelGap is specified. |
LabelPosition |
Vertical positioning of the mark labels. | |
LabelPositionSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if LabelPosition is specified. |
LabelSymbol |
The text symbol used to draw the labels. | |
NumberFormat |
The format of the numeric unit values. | |
ResizeHint |
Indicates what happens when scale bar is resized. | |
ResizeHintSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if ResizeHint is specified. |
Subdivisions |
short |
The number of subdivisions per major division. |
SubdivisionsSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if Subdivisions is specified. |
UnitLabel |
string |
The unit label. |
UnitLabelGap |
double |
The gap between the scale bar and the unit label in points (1/72 inch). |
UnitLabelGapSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if UnitLabelGap is specified. |
UnitLabelPosition |
The vertical positioning of the unit label. | |
UnitLabelPositionSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if UnitLabelPosition is specified. |
UnitLabelSymbol |
The text symbol of the unit label. | |
Units |
The displayed units. | |
UnitsSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if Units is specified. |