A class that contains raster statistics.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Ignores |
object |
The array of doubles indicating the pixel values not included in the statistics calculation. |
Max |
double |
The approximate largest value. |
Mean |
double |
The approximate average value. |
MeanSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if Mean is specified. |
Median |
double |
Divides pixel population approximately in halves. |
MedianSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if Median is specified. |
Min |
double |
The approximate smallest value. |
Mode |
double |
The approximate most popular pixel value. |
ModeSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if Mode is specified. |
SkipX |
int |
The number of horizontal pixels between samples for purposes of calculating statistics. |
SkipXSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if SkipX is specified. |
SkipY |
int |
The number of vertical pixels between samples for purposes of calculating statistics. |
SkipYSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if SkipY is defined. |
StandardDeviation |
double |
Measures the spread of pixel values about the mean. |
StandardDeviationSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if StandardDeviation is defined. |
The statistics only provide information about a single band and are used when displaying the raster. The statistics may be modified or recalculated using this object.
Statistics can be calculated by setting a skip factor to avoid calculating on a full raster. Although the statistics calculated this way is not true statistics of the raster, it can reduce the calculating time significantly for large images without noticeable decreasing of the display quality.