Map service QueryFeatureData2 method
Queries and returns a record set of features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer description.
QueryFeatureData2(string MapName, LayerDescription LayerDescription, QueryFilter QueryFilter, QueryResultOptions QueryResultOptions)
Parameter |
Description |
MapName |
The name of the map (data frame) that contains the layer associated with the LayerDescription parameter. |
LayerDescription |
The LayerDescription object of the layer to query. |
QueryFilter |
An attribute or spatial query that defines the selection criteria for the layer associated with the LayerDescription parameter. |
QueryResultOptions |
Use to define the output Format of a query result and a GeoTransformation to apply to the results. |
Return Value
The QueryResultOptions.Format property, an esriQueryResultFormat constant, defines the result type. The result can be returned in two formats: KML and RecordSet.
When KML is the desired output, it is passed back as a URL when the Format property of the QueryResultOptions parameter is "esriQueryResultKMLAsURL" or as a MIME object when the Format property of the QueryResultOptions parameter is "esriQueryResultKMLAsMime". The file the URL points to or Mime is returned in compressed KMZ format.
When esriQueryResultRecordSetAsObject is selected as the Format in QueryResultOptions , the function returns RecordSet.
MapService_MapServer mapservice = new MapService_MapServer();
mapservice.Url = "http://localhost:6080/arcgis/services/MapService/MapServer";
string mapname = mapservice.GetDefaultMapName();
MapServerInfo mapinfo = mapservice.GetServerInfo(mapname);
MapDescription mapdesc = mapinfo.DefaultMapDescription;
MapLayerInfo[] maplayerinfos = mapinfo.MapLayerInfos;
string geometryfieldname = string.Empty;
foreach (MapLayerInfo layerinfo in maplayerinfos)
if (layerinfo.Name == "countries")
layerid = layerinfo.LayerID;
Field[] fields = layerinfo.Fields.FieldArray;
foreach (Field field in fields)
if (field.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry)
geometryfieldname = field.Name;
LayerDescription[] layerdescs = mapdesc.LayerDescriptions;
LayerDescription activelayerdesc = null;
foreach (LayerDescription layerdesc in layerdescs)
if (layerdesc.LayerID == layerid)
activelayerdesc = layerdesc;
//Probably defined by a call to QueryFeatureIDs
activelayerdesc.DefinitionExpression = "FID IN (214, 228, 235, 245)";
QueryFilter queryfilter = new QueryFilter();
queryfilter.WhereClause = "CNTRY_NAME LIKE '%United%'";
QueryResultOptions queryresultoptions = new QueryResultOptions();
queryresultoptions.Format = esriQueryResultFormat.esriQueryResultRecordSetAsObject;
QueryResult queryresult = null;
queryresult = mapservice.QueryFeatureData2(mapname, activelayerdesc, queryfilter, queryresultoptions);
catch (Exception ex)
//Improper format of where clause will cause exception
RecordSet recordset = (RecordSet)queryresult.Object;
queryresultoptions.Format = esriQueryResultFormat.esriQueryResultKMLAsURL;
queryresult = mapservice.QueryFeatureData2(mapname, activelayerdesc, queryfilter, queryresultoptions);
catch (Exception ex)
// Improper format of where clause will cause exception
string kmlurl = queryresult.URL;
class=codesample>Dim mapservice As MapService_MapServer = New MapService_MapServer()
mapservice.Url = "http://localhost:6080/arcgis/services/MapService/MapServer"
Dim mapname As String = mapservice.GetDefaultMapName()
Dim mapinfo As MapServerInfo = mapservice.GetServerInfo(mapname)
Dim mapdesc As MapDescription = mapinfo.DefaultMapDescription
Dim maplayerinfos() As MapLayerInfo = mapinfo.MapLayerInfos
Dim layerid As Integer = 0
Dim geomeTryfieldname As String = String.Empty
Dim layerinfo As MapLayerInfo
For Each layerinfo In maplayerinfos
If layerinfo.Name = "countries" Then
layerid = layerinfo.LayerID
Dim fields() As Field = layerinfo.Fields.FieldArray
Dim field As Field
For Each field In fields
If field.Type = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry Then
geomeTryfieldname = field.Name
Exit For
End If
End If
Dim layerdescs() As LayerDescription = mapdesc.LayerDescriptions
Dim activelayerdesc As LayerDescription = Nothing
Dim layerdesc As LayerDescription
For Each layerdesc In layerdescs
If layerdesc.LayerID = layerid Then
activelayerdesc = layerdesc
Exit For
End If
' Probably defined by a call to QueryFeatureIDs
activelayerdesc.DefinitionExpression = "FID IN (214, 228, 235, 245)"
Dim queryfilter As QueryFilter = New QueryFilter()
queryfilter.WhereClause = "CNTRY_NAME LIKE '%United%'"
Dim queryresultoptions As QueryResultOptions = New QueryResultOptions()
queryresultoptions.Format = esriQueryResultFormat.esriQueryResultRecordSetAsObject
Dim queryresult As QueryResult = Nothing
queryresult = mapservice.QueryFeatureData2(mapname, activelayerdesc, queryfilter,queryresultoptions)
Catch ex As Exception
' Improper format of where clause will cause exception
End Try
Dim recordset As RecordSet = CType(queryresult.Object, RecordSet)
queryresultoptions.Format = esriQueryResultFormat.esriQueryResultKMLAsURL
queryresult = mapservice.QueryFeatureData2(mapname, activelayerdesc, queryfilter, queryresultoptions)
Catch ex As Exception
' Improper format of where clause will cause exception
End Try
Dim kmlurl As String = queryresult.URL