Geometry service DensifyGeodesic method

The DensifyGeodesic method densifies each input geometry by adding vertices along the geodesic paths between existing vertices. A geodesic path is the shortest distance between two points on an ellipsoid.

DensifyGeodesic(SpatialReference SpatialReference, Geometry[] InGeometryArray, double MaxSegmentLength, LinearUnit LengthUnit)




The SpatialReference of the geometries in the InGeometryArray. Cannot be null.


The array of geometries to be densified. All geometries are assumed to be in the coordinate system defined by SpatialReference.


The maximum allowable length of a segment in the densified geometry.


The unit of measure for the MaxSegmentLength parameter (optional).

Return Value

An array of polylines or polygons (Geometry[]).


Densifies each polyline or polygon in the input array by plotting points along the geodesic paths between existing vertices. MaxSegmentLength is expressed in some linear unit of measure. If the LengthUnit parameter is specified, then MaxSegmentLength is expressed in those units. If the LengthUnit parameter is not specified and the input spatial reference has a projected coordinate system, then MaxSegmentLength is expressed in the linear units of the input spatial reference. Otherwise, MaxSegmentLength is expressed in meters.

If the spatial reference is a projected coordinate system, then the input geometries will be inversed projected, geodesic path points will be plotted, and the result will be forward projected into the same spatial reference.

The figure below illustrates the DensifyGeodesic operation applied to a polyline with three vertices using a max output segment length of 10,000 meters.

Polyline with 3 verticesPolyline after applying the DensifyGeodesic operation
The DensifyGeodesic operation applied to a polyline with three vertices.
