Base Type: NAServerSolverResults
A class that contains the result of performing network analysis on an origin-destination cost matrix layer.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Barriers |
The point barriers used in the analysis. | |
CostAttributeNameIndex |
string[] |
The array of cost attributes in the ODMatrix. |
DestinationOIDIndex |
int[] |
The array to lookup the ObjectID in the destinations RecordSet based on the index in the ODMatrix. |
Destinations |
The destinations used in the analysis. | |
ODLines |
The output line features between origins and destinations returned from the analysis. | |
ODMatrix |
base64Binary |
The internal 3-dimensional array representing the ODMatrix. |
OriginOIDIndex |
int[] |
The array to lookup the ObjectID in the origins RecordSet based on the index in the ODMatrix. |
Origins |
The origins used in the analysis. | |
PolygonBarriers |
The polygon barriers used in the analysis. | |
PolylineBarriers |
The line barriers used in the analysis. |