A class that provides access to image service information.
Property |
Type |
Description |
AllowedCompressions |
string |
The list of allowed client controllable transmission compressions including None, LZ77, and JPEG. |
AllowedFields |
string |
The list of field names that are visible to the clients. |
AllowedItemMetadata |
string |
The level of item metadata details: None, Basic, or Full. |
AllowedMosaicMethods |
string |
The list of allowed client controllable mosaic method names. |
BandCount |
int |
The number of bands. |
Colormap | Colormap of the image service (service is a single band). | |
CopyrightText |
string |
The Copyright information associated with the image service. |
DefaultCompression |
string |
The default compression method (None, LZ77, or JPEG). |
DefaultCompressionQuality |
int |
The default compression quality for JPEG compression. |
DefaultCompressionQualitySpecified |
bool |
Indicates if DefaultCompressionQuality is specified. |
DefaultMosaicMethod |
The default mosaic method. | |
DefaultMosaicMethodSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if DefaultMosaicMethod is specified. |
DefaultResamplingMethod |
The default resampling method. | |
DefaultResamplingMethodSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if DefaultResamplingMethod is specified. |
Description |
string |
The image service description. |
EndTimeFieldName |
string |
The end time field name. |
Extent |
The native extent of the image service. | |
HasRasterAttributeTable | bool | Indicates if the service has a raster attribute table. |
Histograms | Histograms of all bands. | |
MaxDownloadImageCount |
int |
The maximum number of rasters allowed to download. |
MaxDownloadImageCountSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if MaxDownloadImageCount is specified. |
MaxMosaicImageCount |
int |
The maximum number of images allowed for mosaic. |
MaxMosaicImageCountSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if MaxMosaicImageCount is specified. |
MaxNCols |
int |
The maximum number of columns this service can serve. |
MaxNRows |
int |
The maximum number of rows this service can serve. |
MaxPixelSize |
double |
The maximum visible pixel size. |
MaxRecordCount |
int |
The maximum number of records (catalog items) can be returned for query results. |
MaxRecordCountSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if MaxRecordCount is specified. |
MaxScale | double | The maximum scale at which service can be cached. |
MaxValues |
double[] |
A list of maximum values, one per band. |
MeanValues |
double[] |
A list of mean values, one per band. |
MensurationCapabilities | string | The supported mensuration capabilities, including: Basic, Base-Top Height,Top-Top Shadow Height, Base-Top Shadow Height, and 3D. |
MinPixelSize |
double |
The minimum visible pixel size. |
MinScale | double | The minimum scale at which service can be cached. |
MinValues |
double[] |
A list of minimum values, one per band. |
Name |
string |
The image service name. |
NoData |
object |
The NoData (background) value of the image service. The variant data type does not have to match the pixel type. It can be empty or outside the pixel value range. This indicates the service does not have a predefined NoData value, and will not fill NoData pixels with a predefined value. |
PixelSizeX |
double |
The pixel size in X. |
PixelSizeY |
double |
The pixel size in Y. |
PixelType |
The pixel type of the image service. | |
RasterFunctions | Raster functions associated with the image service. | |
RasterTypes | Raster types supported by the image service in an add request. | |
ServiceDataType |
The data type of the image service. It provides additional usage information about image data the service served. | |
ServiceProperties |
string |
The default service properties in XML format. |
ServiceSourceType |
The data source type of the image service. It provides additional information on the data source the service served. | |
ServiceSourceTypeSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if ServiceSourceType is specified. |
StartTimeFieldName |
string |
The start time field name. |
StdvValues |
double[] |
A list of standard deviation values, one per band. |
SupportBSQ |
bool |
Indicates if output can be generated in BSQ pixel interleave format. |
SupportBSQSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if SupportBSQ is specified. |
SupportsTime |
bool |
Indicates if Time is supported. |
SupportsTimeSpecified |
bool |
Indicates if SupportsTimeSpecified is specified. |
TimeExtent |
The extent of time. | |
TimeReference |
Indicates which time zone and daylight savings time values were used when the underlying data was recorded. | |
TimeValueFormat |
string |
The format of the time value field. |
This object provides information on allowed fields, native spatial reference, allowed compressions, allowed mosaic methods, default compression, default compression quality, default mosaic method, default resampling method, etc. There is no colormap, histogram, and attribute table.
The ServiceDataType property can be one of the following:
- esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric (The generic data type for any data.)
- esriImageServiceDataTypeRGB (The RGB data type for RGB true color image.)
- esriImageServiceDataTypeElevation (The elevation data type for elevation data.)
- esriImageServiceDataTypeThematic (The thematic data type for categorical data.)
The ServiceSourceType property can be one of the following:
- esriImageServiceSourceTypeDataset (The data source is a raster dataset.)
- esriImageServiceSourceTypeLayer (The data source is a raster layer.)
- esriImageServiceSourceTypeCatalog (The data source is a classic image server (AIS) compiled service definition (ISDef).)
- esriImageServiceSourceTypeMosaicDataset (The data source is a mosaic dataset.)