Options to specify the type of topology rule.
Value |
Description |
esriTRTAreaAreaCoverEachOther |
The rule is an 2 areas cover each other rule. |
esriTRTAreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundary |
The rule is an area boundary covered by line rule. |
esriTRTAreaBoundaryCoveredByLine |
The rule is an area boundary covered by line rule. |
esriTRTAreaContainOnePoint |
The rule is one point must be found in each area. |
esriTRTAreaContainPoint |
The rule is an area contain point rule. |
esriTRTAreaCoveredByArea |
The rule is an area covered by area rule. |
esriTRTAreaCoveredByAreaClass |
The rule is an area covered by area class rule. |
esriTRTAreaNoGaps |
The rule is an area-no gap rule. |
esriTRTAreaNoOverlap |
The rule is an area-no overlap rule. |
esriTRTAreaNoOverlapArea |
The rule is an area covered by area rule. |
esriTRTLineCoveredByAreaBoundary |
The rule is a line covered by area boundary rule. |
esriTRTLineCoveredByLineClass |
The rule is a line covered by line class rule. |
esriTRTLineEndpointCoveredByPoint |
The rule is a line endpoint covered by point rule. |
esriTRTLineFeatureConnected | |
esriTRTLineNoDangles |
The rule is a line-no dangles rule. |
esriTRTLineNoIntersection |
The rule is a line-no intersection rule. |
esriTRTLineNoIntersectOrInteriorTouch |
The rule is a line-no intersect or interior touch rule. |
esriTRTLineNoMultipart |
The rule is a line cannot be multipart rule. |
esriTRTLineNoOverlap |
The rule is a line-no overlap rule. |
esriTRTLineNoOverlapLine |
The rule is a line-no overlap line rule. |
esriTRTLineNoPseudos |
The rule is a line with no pseudo-nodes rule. |
esriTRTLineNoSelfIntersect |
The rule is a line-no self intersect rule. |
esriTRTLineNoSelfOverlap |
The rule is a line-no self overlap rule. |
esriTRTPointCoveredByAreaBoundary |
The rule is a point covered by area boundary rule. |
esriTRTPointCoveredByLine |
The rule is a point covered by line rule. |
esriTRTPointCoveredByLineEndpoint |
The rule is a point covered by line endpoint rule. |
esriTRTPointProperlyInsideArea |
The rule is a point properly inside area rule. |