ArcGIS Java web services API

ArcGIS Java web services (AgsJWS) API leverages the SOAP protocol to communicate with ArcGIS Server services via XML as it's messaging format and HTTP as its messaging transmission. The API is well suited for Java Enterprise (Java EE) application development in distributed computing environments. The API provides pure Java objects as value objects in the local JVM which makes them easier to develop with and debug. The API leverages all the benefits of SOAP based web services, including language/platform agnostic, built in error handling and designed for distributed computing environments.

Downloading the runtime libraries

Download the 10.1 AgsJWS API

The runtime libraries are located in the Runtime directory whose contents include the following:

The Esri AgsJWS libaries

  • arcgis_agsws_stubs.jar
  • arcgis_ws_runtime.jar

Dependency libraries

  • activation.jar
  • commons-codec-1.3.jar
  • commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
  • commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
  • jaxb-api.jar
  • jaxb-impl.jar
  • jsr173_1.0_api.jar

Make sure to review the appropriate dependency license in the License directory.

Developer IDE usage

NetBeans v6.5.1

  1. From the tools menu, select Libraries to open the Library Manager.
  2. Click the 'New Library...' button to create a new Library and name it 'AgsJWSv10.1'.
  3. Select a Library Type.
  4. You should see your library added to the Library Type you selected in the previous step.
  5. With your new 'AgsJWSv10.1' library selected in the left hand Libraries pane, click the 'Add JAR/Folder' button.
  6. Navigate to the AgsJWS folder location.
  7. Select the Esri AgsJWS libraries and dependency libraries described above and click 'Add JAR/Folder'.
  8. Once you have all the libraries selected, click OK to close out of the dialog.

Now you can add the library to an existing project by right clicking the project and selecting Properties. The Project Properties dialog opens where you can select Libraries from the list of Categories and click the Add Library button to find the appropriate library to add.

Eclipse Ganymede (v3.4.x)

  1. From the Windows menu, select Preferences.
  2. Select Java > Build Path > User Libraries from the left hand pane.
  3. Click the 'New' button to create a new Library and name it 'AgsJWSv10.1'.
  4. With your new library selected, click the 'Add Jars' button to open the Jar Selection dialog.
  5. Navigate to the AgsJWS folder location.
  6. Select the Esri AgsJWS libraries and dependency libraries described above and click 'Open'.
  7. You should now see all the libraries added with options to attach source and javadoc locations.

Now you can add the library to a new project or existing project by clicking the 'Add Library' in the New Project dialog and/or the Project Preferences dialog respectively. In Eclipse, your library is added to the 'User Library' category by default. Once you select User Library, you can add the appropriate library to your project.


AgsJWS JavaDoc
