GeoData service CreateReplica method

Creates child replica containing a spatial subset of data from a specified set of datasets.

CreateReplica(string ParentVersion, string ReplicaName, GPReplicaDescription ReplicaDescription, GPReplicaOptions ReplicaOptions, GDSExportOptions ExportOptions, esriGDSTransportType TransportType)




The parentVersion parameter is the version on the geodatabase represented by the geodatataserver that the replica will be created from.


The ReplicaName is the name for the replica.


The ReplicaDescription parameter is a description of the data to replicate as well as various settings that define how the data will be replicated. For example, you can set a spatial filter, set the replica model type, and specify whether or not to include related data. See the GPReplicaDescription class for more information.


The ReplicaOptions parameter is used to set various replica options such as the replica access type and the initial data sender. See the GPReplicaOptions class for more information.


The exportOptions parameter defines the output of the method. This includes the outut format and whether or not the output will be compressed. See GDSExportOptions for more information.


The TransportType indicates the desired transport type. Use "esriGDSTransportTypeURL" to place the output in a file in the virtual output directory. Use "esriGDSTransportTypeEmbedded" to have the results embedded in the output GDSData object. If no virtual output directory exists, the results will be embedded regardless of the value set for this parameter.

Return Value

A GDSData object.


The CreateReplica method can be used to create and download a child replica containing a subset of data from a specified set of datasets. Only datasets that are accessible by the database user associated with the GeoDataServer can be replicated. The data to be replicated is specified by a ReplicaDescription object. A separate attribute query can be applied to each table or feature class. Related records may be fetched. The CreateReplica method can be used to create CheckOut, OneWay, or TwoWay replicas.
