The following layer types can have pop-ups that display a feature's attributes: dynamic map services, layers within ArcGIS Server dynamic map services, cached map services, Spatial Data Service (SDS) layers, GeoRSS layers, and graphics layers. For more information on the different layer types and their capabilities, refer to the Layer types topic.

Hyperlinks are available in pop-ups if the URL exists as a field value in a feature layer. You cannot add hyperlinks to fields in the ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight. While the field is shown as a hyperlink in pop-ups, it is shown as a text string in the attribute table.
Pop-ups in the ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight
Pop-ups can be configured to display when you hover over a feature (on-hover mode) or when the feature on the map is clicked (on-click mode). By default, pop-ups display in on-click mode, which supports the ability to perform basic editing tasks (see Editing features) and the ability to drill-down to display attributes from multiple layers in a single pop-up. On-click pop-ups and on-hover pop-ups both support the ability to display specific attributes and user-friendly field names (aliases). On-hover mode is supported only for layers within ArcGIS Server dynamic map services and SDS layers (feature layers) and GeoRSS layers. Editing features are not supported for pop-ups in on-hover mode.
Pop-ups in web maps
Web maps are maps created on ArcGIS Online that can be consumed by ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight. When creating a web map, you can include a basemap, data layers, an extent, pop-up windows, a legend, a place finder, and so on (see What is ArcGIS Online? for more information). If a web map contains pop-ups, the configuration of that pop-up, including attribute lists, descriptions, charts, and so on, is respected in the Viewer.
If you would like to change the configuration of the pop-up from the web map, use the following steps:
- Unlink the map from the web map by clicking the Unlink hyperlink. A warning message displays notifying you that the map configuration will be disconnected from the web map. Click OK to continue.
- Click the Layers button on the Map tab of the Application Builder toolbar to display the Configure Layers panel.
- Right-click the desired layer and click Configure to display the Configuring panel.
- Click Pop-ups to display the pop-up flyout. Uncheck the Use pop-up definition from web map check box. Configure the pop-up as desired.
- If you want to change back to the original pop-up configuration from the web map, check the Use pop-up definition from web map check box on the Pop-Ups flyout. Note that your current configuration will be lost by re-linking to the pop-up definition from the web map.
If the web map contains an editable layer, you can enable editing for that layer (see the Editing features topic) and the editing functionality will be available in the pop-up.
Configure pop-ups
This section describes the configuration options for pop-ups for layers that support pop-ups both on-hover and on-click. Configuration options include whether to display the pop-ups on-click or on-hover, which fields to display, which field to use as the pop-up header, and the specification of user-friendly field names (aliases).
- Open the Configure Layers panel and select the desired layer.
- Right-click the layer and click Configure. Alternatively, click the Configure button at the bottom of the Configure Layers panel.
- On the Configuring panel that appears, click Pop-Ups to display the pop-up flyout. Pop-up configuration settings
Disable pop-ups button
Click the Disable pop-ups button at the top of the flyout to disable all pop-ups.
Header field
Select from the list of available fields to specify the header for pop-ups.
Visible field
When the check box is checked, the field displays in the pop-up. When unchecked, the field will not appear in the pop-up.
Name field
The name of the field in the originating table. The value is not displayed in the pop-up and the field is not editable.
Alias field
The name of the field as it displays in the pop-up. This field is editable.
Clear All button
Unchecks all the check boxes in the Visible field. When all are unchecked, the button caption changes to Select All, which will, when clicked, check all the check boxes in the Visible field.
If the selected layer is a dynamic map service, pop-ups can only display in on-click mode (See Layer types for more information) and you will have the option to enable pop-ups on a per-layer basis:
- Click anywhere to close the pop-up configuration dialog box. If you have specified to show pop-ups on-click, the pop-up displays as shown in the following screen shot when you click features in the map: