Navigating the map

There are several options for navigating the map in the ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight, including navigating with the mouse, keyboard, and navigator. Each provides the ability to pan, zoom in, and zoom out.

Navigating with the mouse

To begin exploring with your mouse, move it so you see the mouse pointer in the middle of the map display. Click the left or right mouse button to see what happens. As you'll see in the following table, if your device has a middle button or depressible scroll wheel, it can be used to enhance the navigation experience. Some mouse actions can be combined with keystrokes on the keyboard.

Using the mouse to navigate offers the most flexibility. You can zoom to a specific area by pressing the Shift key and holding the mouse button while dragging a rectangle on the map. There is no equivalent to this by using the Navigator or keyboard.


Mouse button

Mouse function

Move or pan the map

Left mouse button click

Click the left mouse button and drag the map in the direction you want it to move.

Zoom in to a specific area on the map

Left mouse button Click+Shift key

Hold down the Shift key, then click and drag a rectangle with the left mouse button that designates the area of interest.

Zoom in on the map at the location of the mouse pointer

Double-click left mouse button

Double-click the left mouse button on the point of interest.

Zoom in on the map at the location of the mouse pointer

Mouse scroll wheel

Roll the mouse wheel forward, or away from you, to zoom in on the map at the location of the mouse pointer.

Zoom out from the map at the location of the mouse pointer

Mouse scroll wheel

Roll the mouse wheel backward, or toward you, to zoom out on the map at the location of the mouse pointer.

ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight wraps the map across the international dateline so you can pan continuously across the world.

Navigating with the keyboard

You may find that you prefer to navigate the map using the keyboard to control movement. The following table lists actions you can perform and the required keystrokes.


For keyboard navigation to work, the map must be active (click the map first before using the keyboard shortcuts).



Move left

Left arrow

Move right

Right arrow

Move forward or up

Up arrow

Move back or down

Down arrow

Zoom in


Zoom out


The Plus and Minus keys on the numeric keypad section of a keyboard may not work; therefore, use the main part of the keyboard.

You can also use the Navigator or the mouse to navigate around the map, depending on your preferences.

Navigating with the navigator

In the default layout, the Navigator is shown at the top left on the map, and provides various ways to move around the map and control your viewing position. In addition, it indicates the compass orientation of the map. You can activate the Navigator by moving the mouse pointer directly over it. Once activated, the Navigator appears, showing controls for map navigation.

The following are the parts of the Navigator and the actions you can perform using them:
