' Copyright 2011 ESRI ' ' All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States ' and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. ' ' You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or ' without modification, provided you include the original copyright ' notice and use restrictions. ' ' See the use restrictions. ' Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System Public Partial Class DynamicDataWithContextMenu Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Implements System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler #Region "Instance Variable Declarations" Private m_NameValueCollection As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection = Nothing Private m_CallbackArg As String = Nothing Private Const AGSLocalName As String = "AGSLocalMapResource" Private Const AGSInternetName As String = "AGSInternetMapResource" Private Const IMSName As String = "IMSMapResource" #End Region #Region "ASP.NET Page Event Handlers" Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ' Assign functions to handle events on the custom context menus. Handle the ItemClicked ' event on the MapContextMenu and the ItemClicked and Dismissed events on the TocContextMenu. AddHandler MapContextMenu.ItemClicked, AddressOf MapContextMenu_ItemClicked AddHandler TocContextMenu.ItemClicked, AddressOf TocContextMenu_ItemClicked AddHandler TocContextMenu.Dismissed, AddressOf TocContextMenu_Dismissed End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ' Create a string to store the JavaScript callback function for ASP.NET's callback framework Dim adfCallbackFunctionString As String = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(Me, "argument", "processCallbackResult", "context", True) ' Construct the JavaScript needed to get the ArcIMS service parameters from the ArcIMS ' data source specification floating panel (ArcImsDataFloatingPanel), call the callback ' function with those parameters, and hide the floating panel Dim jsAddArcIMSdata As String = String.Format("var argument='EventArg=AddIMS&host=' + " & "document.getElementById('imsHost').value + '&port=' + " & "document.getElementById('imsPort').value + '&service=' + " & "document.getElementById('imsService').value; var context=null; eval(""{0}""); " & "hideFloatingPanel('{1}',false);", adfCallbackFunctionString, ArcImsDataFloatingPanel.ClientID) ' Wire the JavaScript to execute when the OK button on ArcImsDataFloatingPanel is clicked ImsOKButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", jsAddArcIMSdata) ' Construct the JavaScript needed to get the display parameters from the display settings ' floating panel (DisplaySettingsFloatingPanel), call the callback function with those ' parameters, and hide the floating panel Dim jsChangeDisplaySettings As String = String.Format("var argument=" & "'EventArg=DisplaySettings&transparency=' + " & "document.getElementById('txtTransparency').value + '&transparentBackground=' + " & "document.getElementById('chkTransparentBackground').checked; var context=null; " & "eval(""{0}""); hideFloatingPanel('{1}',false);", adfCallbackFunctionString, DisplaySettingsFloatingPanel.ClientID) ' Wire the JavaScript to execute when the OK button on DisplaySettingsFloatingPanel is clicked DisplaySettingsOKButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", jsChangeDisplaySettings) If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then ' Set up the custom context menu on the map control during initial page load SetupMapContextMenu() End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRenderComplete(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnPreRenderComplete(e) ' Set up the custom context menu on the Toc. This is done in PreRenderComplete ' because the nodes in a Toc control are populated during the PreRender event. SetupTocContextMenu() End Sub #End Region #Region "Web ADF Control Event Handlers" ' Item clicked event for the custom context menu on the map control Private Sub MapContextMenu_ItemClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal contextMenuItemEventArgs As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItemEventArgs) Try ' Declare variables to store the name of the resource to be added and whether or not ' a resource needs to be created and added Dim resourceName As String = "" Dim createAndAddResource As Boolean = False ' Check the text of the context menu item clicked and take action accordingly Select Case contextMenuItemEventArgs.Item.Text Case "Add ArcGIS Server Local Data" ' Set the resource name to the ArcGIS Server Local resource name ' and set the flag for creating and adding a resource to true resourceName = AGSLocalName createAndAddResource = True Case "Add ArcGIS Server Internet Data" ' Set the resource name to the ArcGIS Server Internet resource name ' and set the flag for creating and adding a resource to true resourceName = AGSInternetName createAndAddResource = True Case "Add ArcIMS Data" ' Set the resource name to the ArcIMS resource name and ' set the flag for creating and adding a resource to true resourceName = IMSName createAndAddResource = True Case "Add Custom ArcIMS Data" ' Construct the JavaScript necessary to show the ArcIMS data source specification ' floating panel (ArcImsDataFloatingPanel) and add it to the MapContextMenu's ' collection of callback results. showFloatingPanel is the Web ADF JavaScript ' function to display floating panels. Dim jsShowArcImsDataFloatingPanel As String = String.Format("showFloatingPanel('{0}',false);", ArcImsDataFloatingPanel.ClientID) MapContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(Me, "javascript", jsShowArcImsDataFloatingPanel) Case "Zoom In" ' Zoom the map in by a factor of two Map1.Zoom(2) Case "Zoom To Full Extent" ' Zoom the map to its full extent Map1.ZoomToFullExtent() Case Else End Select ' Check whether the flag indicating a resource needs to be created and added is true If createAndAddResource Then ' Call CreateAndAddMapResource, which creates a map resource ' with the passed-in resource name and adds it to the map If (Not CreateAndAddMapResource(resourceName)) Then Return End If ' Refresh the Toc so the newly added map resource is shown Toc1.Refresh() ' Set up the Toc's context menu again. This needs to be done here ' because the call to Refresh removes the association between the ' context menu and the Toc. SetupTocContextMenu() End If ' Return the map's and Toc's callback results via the custom context menu. ' The callback results are returned this way because the context menu ' initiated the callback, and thus will handle the response. MapContextMenu.CallbackResults.CopyFrom(Map1.CallbackResults) ' Refresh the html content of the Toc and add the result to the context ' menu's callback results. This will re-render the Toc with the context ' menu associations created in SetupTocContextMenu. MapContextMenu.CallbackResults.CopyFrom(Toc1.CallbackResults) 'MapContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(RefreshControlHtml(Toc1)); Catch exception As System.Exception Dim errorCallbackResult As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult = ErrorHandling.GetErrorCallback(exception) MapContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(errorCallbackResult) End Try End Sub ' Item clicked event for parent nodes in a Toc control Private Sub TocContextMenu_ItemClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal contextMenuItemEventArgs As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItemEventArgs) Try ' Get the Toc node on which the context menu was displayed Dim treeViewPlusNode As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeViewPlusNode = Toc1.Nodes.FindByNodeID(contextMenuItemEventArgs.Context) ' Make sure a node was found If Not treeViewPlusNode Is Nothing Then ' Declare an object variable to store a reference to a MapResourceItem Dim mapResourceItem As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.MapResourceItem = Nothing Dim index As Integer = -1 ' Check the text of the context menu item clicked and take action accordingly Select Case contextMenuItemEventArgs.Item.Text Case "Zoom To Resource" ' Get a reference to the map resource indicated by the text of the Toc node Dim mapResource As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.IMapResource = Map1.MapResourceManagerInstance.GetResource(treeViewPlusNode.Text) ' Set the map's coordinate system to that of the map resource indicated by ' the Toc node. This is done so that zooming to the full extent will work ' properly, even in cases where the units of the coordinate systems don't match. Map1.SpatialReference.CoordinateSystem = mapResource.MapInformation.DefaultSpatialReference.CoordinateSystem ' Set the map extent to the full extent of the map resource Map1.Extent = mapResource.MapInformation.FullExtent ' Add the map's callback results to the context menu's callback results collection. ' This is done because the context menu initiated the callback, and will therefore ' handle the callback response. TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.CopyFrom(Map1.CallbackResults) Case "Remove Resource" ' Get a reference to the map resource item indicated by the text of the Toc node mapResourceItem = MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Find(treeViewPlusNode.Text) ' Make sure the resource item was found If Not mapResourceItem Is Nothing Then ' Remove the map resource item from the MapResourceManger MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Remove(mapResourceItem) ' Add the map's callback results to the context menu's callback ' results collection. TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.CopyFrom(Map1.CallbackResults) ' Refresh the Toc so the removed map resource is also removed from the Toc Toc1.Refresh() ' Set up the Toc's context menu again. This needs to be done here ' because the call to Refresh removes the association between the ' context menu and the Toc. SetupTocContextMenu() ' Refresh the html content of the Toc and add the result to the context ' menu's callback results. This will re-render the Toc with the context ' menu associations created in SetupTocContextMenu. TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(RefreshControlHtml(Toc1)) Exit Select End If Case "Move Down" ' Get a reference to the map resource item indicated by the text of the Toc node mapResourceItem = MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Find(treeViewPlusNode.Text) ' Get the index of the map resource item. This specifies where the map resource ' is ordered in the map and Toc. index = MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.IndexOf(mapResourceItem) ' Make sure that the map resource item was found and that it is not already ' at the bottom of all the map resource items If Not mapResourceItem Is Nothing AndAlso index <> MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Count - 1 Then ' Move the map resource item down one position MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Move(index, index + 1) ' Add the map's callback results to the context menu's callback ' results collection. TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.CopyFrom(Map1.CallbackResults) ' Refresh the Toc so the removed map resource is also removed from the Toc Toc1.Refresh() ' Set up the Toc's context menu again. This needs to be done here ' because the call to Refresh removes the association between the ' context menu and the Toc. SetupTocContextMenu() ' Refresh the html content of the Toc and add the result to the context ' menu's callback results. This will re-render the Toc with the context ' menu associations created in SetupTocContextMenu. TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(RefreshControlHtml(Toc1)) Exit Select End If Case "Move Up" ' Get a reference to the map resource item indicated by the text of the Toc node mapResourceItem = MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Find(treeViewPlusNode.Text) ' Get the index of the map resource item. This specifies where the map resource ' is ordered in the map and Toc. index = MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.IndexOf(mapResourceItem) ' Make sure that the map resource item was found and that it is not already ' at the top of all the map resource items If Not mapResourceItem Is Nothing AndAlso index <> 0 Then ' Move the map resource item up one position MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Move(index, index - 1) ' Add the map's callback results to the context menu's callback ' results collection. TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.CopyFrom(Map1.CallbackResults) ' Refresh the Toc so the removed map resource is also removed from the Toc Toc1.Refresh() ' Set up the Toc's context menu again. This needs to be done here ' because the call to Refresh removes the association between the ' context menu and the Toc. SetupTocContextMenu() ' Refresh the html content of the Toc and add the result to the context ' menu's callback results. This will re-render the Toc with the context ' menu associations created in SetupTocContextMenu. TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(RefreshControlHtml(Toc1)) Exit Select End If Case "Resource Display Settings" ' Construct the JavaScript necessary to show the display settings floating panel ' (DisplaySettingsFloatingPanel) and add it to the TocContextMenu's collection ' of callback results. showFloatingPanel is the Web ADF JavaScript function to ' display floating panels. Dim jsShowDisplaySettingsPanel As String = String.Format("showFloatingPanel('{0}',false);", DisplaySettingsFloatingPanel.ClientID) TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(Me, "javascript", jsShowDisplaySettingsPanel) ' Store the text of the Toc node in a session variable. This variable will be ' used to specify the resource the display settings will be applied to. Session("displaySettingsResourceKey") = treeViewPlusNode.Text Case Else End Select End If Catch exception As System.Exception Dim errorCallbackResult As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult = ErrorHandling.GetErrorCallback(exception) TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(errorCallbackResult) End Try End Sub ' Dismissed event for context menu off a parent node in a Toc control Private Sub TocContextMenu_Dismissed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal contextMenuDismissedEventArgs As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuDismissedEventArgs) Try ' Get a reference to the TocContextMenu via the sender argument Dim contextMenu As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenu = TryCast(sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenu) ' Make sure event occured within this Page If Not contextMenuDismissedEventArgs.Control Is Me Then Return End If ' Get a reference to the Toc node that was right-clicked Dim treeViewPlusNode As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeViewPlusNode = Toc1.Nodes.FindByNodeID(contextMenuDismissedEventArgs.Context) ' Make sure the node was found If Not treeViewPlusNode Is Nothing Then ' Construct the JavaScript necessary to set background color of the Toc node ' to that of the Toc (so it no longer appears selected) Dim jsSetTocNodeBackgroundColor As String = String.Format("var node=document.getElementById('{0}');" & "if(node!=null){{'{1}';}}", treeViewPlusNode.NodeID & "_textCell", System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Toc1.BackColor)) ' Create a new CallbackResult object with the JavaScript and add it ' to the context menu's callback results collection. Dim setBackgroundCallbackResult As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult = ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult.CreateJavaScript(jsSetTocNodeBackgroundColor) contextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(setBackgroundCallbackResult) End If Catch exception As System.Exception Dim errorCallbackResult As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult = ErrorHandling.GetErrorCallback(exception) TocContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(errorCallbackResult) End Try End Sub #End Region #Region "ICallbackEventHandler Members" ' The OK buttons on the "Add ArcIMS Data" and "Resource Display Settings" floating panels ' were wired to invoke the JavaScript callback function in the Page_Load event. So when either ' of those buttons is clicked, a callback is initiated, causing RaiseCallbackEvent and ' GetCallbackResult to be called. We therefore add code to these methods to parse the arguments ' passed in the callback and take action accordingly. Public Sub RaiseCallbackEvent(ByVal eventArgument As String) Implements System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent ' RaiseCallbackEvent fires first and ingests the callback string passed ' from the client to the server. Set a class-level variable to reference ' the string so it can be accessed and handled in GetCallbackResult. m_CallbackArg = eventArgument End Sub Public Function GetCallbackResult() As String Implements System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler.GetCallbackResult ' Create a new CallbackResultCollection object Dim callbackResultCollection As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResultCollection = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResultCollection() Try ' Use the Web ADF's callback parsing utility to parse the callback string ' into its arguments and store it in a NameValueCollection object Dim nameValueCollection As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection = ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackUtility.ParseStringIntoNameValueCollection(m_CallbackArg) ' Get the event argument from the collection of arguments Dim eventArg As String = nameValueCollection("EventArg") ' Declare a string variable to reference the name of the resource to be manipulated Dim resourceName As String = Nothing ' Check the event argument and take action accordingly Select Case eventArg Case "AddIMS" ' Set a class-level NameValueCollection object to reference the collection ' of arguments. This is done so the ArcIMS resource definition parameters ' can be accessed from the method CreateAndAddMapResource m_NameValueCollection = nameValueCollection ' Get the host and service from the collection of arguments Dim host As String = nameValueCollection("host") Dim service As String = nameValueCollection("service") ' Generate a random number between 0 and 1000 Dim random As System.Random = New System.Random() Dim randomInt As Integer = random.Next(0, 1000) ' Create a unique name for the ArcIMS resource by concatenating the host, ' service, and random number resourceName = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", host, service, randomInt.ToString()) ' Create the map resource specified and add it to the map If (Not CreateAndAddMapResource(resourceName)) Then Return MapContextMenu.CallbackResults.ToString() End If ' Add the map's callback results to the custom callback results collection callbackResultCollection.CopyFrom(Map1.CallbackResults) ' Refresh the Toc so the newly added map resource is also added to the Toc Toc1.Refresh() ' Set up the Toc's context menu again. This needs to be done here ' because the call to Refresh removes the association between the ' context menu and the Toc. SetupTocContextMenu() ' Refresh the html content of the Toc and add the result to the context ' menu's callback results. This will re-render the Toc with the context ' menu associations created in SetupTocContextMenu. callbackResultCollection.Add(RefreshControlHtml(Toc1)) Case "DisplaySettings" ' Get the transparency input by the user from the collection of arguments Dim transparency As Integer = System.Convert.ToInt32(nameValueCollection("transparency")) ' Get whether or not the background transparency checkbox was checked from the ' collection of arguments Dim transparentBackground As Boolean = System.Convert.ToBoolean(nameValueCollection("transparentBackground")) ' Get the resource name from the session variable that was set in the ' TocContextMenu's ItemClicked event and initialize a MapResourceItem ' based on the resource name. resourceName = TryCast(Session("displaySettingsResourceKey"), String) Dim mapResourceItem As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.MapResourceItem = MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Find(resourceName) ' Make sure a MapResourceItem was found If Not mapResourceItem Is Nothing Then ' Instantiate a DisplaySettings object and initialize its properties ' based on the user input from the display settings floating panel Dim displaySettings As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DisplaySettings = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DisplaySettings() displaySettings.Transparency = transparency displaySettings.ImageDescriptor.TransparentColor = ColorPicker1.ChosenColor displaySettings.ImageDescriptor.TransparentBackground = transparentBackground ' Pass the DisplaySettings object to the MapResourceItem to push the ' new settings to the map resource mapResourceItem.DisplaySettings = displaySettings Map1.RefreshResource(mapResourceItem.Name) End If ' Add the map's callback results to the custom callback results collection callbackResultCollection.CopyFrom(Map1.CallbackResults) End Select ' Return the custom callback results collection for processing on the client Return callbackResultCollection.ToString() Catch exception As System.Exception Dim errorCallbackResult As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult = ErrorHandling.GetErrorCallback(exception) callbackResultCollection.Add(errorCallbackResult) Return callbackResultCollection.ToString() End Try End Function #End Region #Region "Instance Methods" #Region "Context Menu Setup Methods" Private Sub SetupMapContextMenu() Try ' Instantiate context menu items for zooming in, zooming to the full extent, adding ' ArcIMS data, adding ArcGIS Server Local data, adding ArcGIS Server Internet ata, and ' adding user-defined ArcIMS Data. For each, initialize the item's image and text. ' Once each item is instantiated, add it to the MapContextMenu Dim item As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem = Nothing item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/contextMenuZoomTo.png", "Zoom In", Nothing) MapContextMenu.Items.Add(item) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/ArcGIS-Globe-Service16.gif", "Zoom To Full Extent", Nothing) MapContextMenu.Items.Add(item) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/add-new-service_16x16.gif", "Add ArcIMS Data", Nothing) MapContextMenu.Items.Add(item) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/add-new-service_16x16.gif", "Add ArcGIS Server Local Data", Nothing) MapContextMenu.Items.Add(item) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/add-new-service_16x16.gif", "Add ArcGIS Server Internet Data", Nothing) MapContextMenu.Items.Add(item) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/add-folder_16x16.png", "Add Custom ArcIMS Data", Nothing) MapContextMenu.Items.Add(item) ' Construct a JavaScript call to a Web ADF function that shows a context menu. ' The statement "return false;" must be included in this JavaScript to prevent ' the native browser context menu from displaying. Dim jsShowDataContextMenu As String = String.Format("esriShowContextMenu(event,'{0}','{1}','{2}');" & "return false;", MapContextMenu.ClientID, Map1.UniqueID, "") ' MapDiv is the element id associated with a div in the page that contains the map. ' Wire the context menu initialized above by adding the showDataContextMenu JavaScript ' call to the div's oncontextmenu event MapDiv.Attributes.Add("oncontextmenu", jsShowDataContextMenu) Catch exception As System.Exception Dim jsErrorMessageAlert As String = String.Format("<script>{0}</script>", ErrorHandling.GetJavaScriptErrorString(exception)) Response.Write(jsErrorMessageAlert) End Try End Sub Private Sub SetupTocContextMenu() Try ' Instantiate context menu items for zooming to a resource, removing a resource, moving ' a resource down in display order, moving a resource up in display order, and modifying ' a resource's display settings. For each, initialize the item's image and text. Once ' each item is instantiated, add it to the TocContextMenu Dim item As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem = Nothing item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/contextMenuZoomTo.png", "Zoom To Resource", Nothing) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/delete.gif", "Remove Resource", Nothing) TocContextMenu.Items.Add(item) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/expand.png", "Move Down", Nothing) TocContextMenu.Items.Add(item) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/collapse.png", "Move Up", Nothing) TocContextMenu.Items.Add(item) item = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.ContextMenuItem("images/properties_16x16.png", "Resource Display Settings", Nothing) TocContextMenu.Items.Add(item) ' Iterate through each parent node in the Toc and set the properties of each ' to show the custom context menu when right-clicked Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While i < Toc1.Nodes.Count ' Get a reference to the current node and assign it to a TreeViewPlusNode object Dim treeViewPlusNode As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeViewPlusNode = Toc1.Nodes(i) ' Set the ClickBehavior property of the node so nothing happens when the node is left-clicked treeViewPlusNode.ClickBehavior = ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeViewPlusNodeClickBehavior.None ' Construct a JavaScript call to a Web ADF JavaScript function that will show the Toc ' context menu. The statement "return false;" must be included in this JavaScript to ' prevent the native browser context menu from displaying. Dim jsShowTocContextMenu As String = String.Format("esriShowContextMenu(event,'{0}','{1}','{2}');" & "'{3}';return false;", TocContextMenu.ClientID, UniqueID, treeViewPlusNode.NodeID, System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToHtml(Toc1.SelectedColor)) ' Construct JavaScript to set the mouse cursor to look like an arrow Dim jsOnMouseOver As String = "'arrow';" ' Wire the JavaScript contained in jsOnMouseOver to the current node's onmouseover ' event so that the cursor changes to an arrow when over the node. If treeViewPlusNode.TextCellAttributes.ContainsKey("onmouseover") Then treeViewPlusNode.TextCellAttributes("onmouseover") = jsOnMouseOver Else treeViewPlusNode.TextCellAttributes.Add("onmouseover", jsOnMouseOver) End If ' Wire the JavaScript to display the Toc context menu to the current node's ' oncontextmenu event. If treeViewPlusNode.TextCellAttributes.ContainsKey("oncontextmenu") Then treeViewPlusNode.TextCellAttributes("oncontextmenu") = jsShowTocContextMenu Else treeViewPlusNode.TextCellAttributes.Add("oncontextmenu", jsShowTocContextMenu) End If ' Add a tooltip to the current node informing the user how to display the context menu treeViewPlusNode.ToolTip = "Right-click for context menu" i += 1 Loop Catch exception As System.Exception Dim jsErrorMessageAlert As String = String.Format("<script>{0}</script>", ErrorHandling.GetJavaScriptErrorString(exception)) Response.Write(jsErrorMessageAlert) End Try End Sub #End Region Private Function CreateAndAddMapResource(ByVal resourceName As String) As Boolean Dim addResourceSuccessful As Boolean = False Try ' Map resource items consist of a definition and display settings. The definition ' will define the data source and resource parameters. Display settings will define ' map image properties and retrieval types. Dim gisResourceItemDefinition As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.GISResourceItemDefinition = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.GISResourceItemDefinition() ' Check the name of the resource corresponding to the checkbox checked and initialize ' the resource definition accordingly Select Case resourceName Case (AGSLocalName) gisResourceItemDefinition.DataSourceDefinition = "localhost" gisResourceItemDefinition.DataSourceType = "ArcGIS Server Local" gisResourceItemDefinition.ResourceDefinition = "Layers@USA" Case (AGSInternetName) gisResourceItemDefinition.DataSourceDefinition = "" gisResourceItemDefinition.DataSourceType = "ArcGIS Server Internet" gisResourceItemDefinition.ResourceDefinition = "Layers@SamplesNet/NorthAmerica" Case (IMSName) gisResourceItemDefinition.ResourceDefinition = "states" gisResourceItemDefinition.DataSourceDefinition = "localhost@5300" gisResourceItemDefinition.DataSourceType = "ArcIMS" Case Else ' Since the passed-in resourceName didn't match any of the pre-defined constants, ' assume that the resource is a user-defined ArcIMS map resource. Get the resource ' definition properties from the class level variable m_NameValueCollection, which ' was populated in the GetCallbackResult callback handling method gisResourceItemDefinition.ResourceDefinition = m_NameValueCollection("service") gisResourceItemDefinition.DataSourceDefinition = String.Format("{0}@{1}", m_NameValueCollection("host"), m_NameValueCollection("port")) gisResourceItemDefinition.DataSourceType = "ArcIMS" End Select ' Instantiate a map resource item Dim mapResourceItem As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.MapResourceItem = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.MapResourceItem() ' Associate the resource item definition with the ' newly instantiated map resource item mapResourceItem.Definition = gisResourceItemDefinition ' Set the resource item's name to the passed-in resource name mapResourceItem.Name = resourceName ' Initialize display settings Dim displaySettings As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DisplaySettings = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DisplaySettings() displaySettings.Visible = True displaySettings.Transparency = 50.0F displaySettings.ImageDescriptor.TransparentBackground = True displaySettings.ImageDescriptor.TransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.White displaySettings.ImageDescriptor.ImageFormat = ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.ImageFormat.PNG8 displaySettings.ImageDescriptor.ReturnMimeData = False ' Associate the map resource with the display settings mapResourceItem.DisplaySettings = displaySettings ' Add the resource to the map's MapResourceManager and initialize it Map1.MapResourceManagerInstance.ResourceItems.Insert(0, mapResourceItem) mapResourceItem.InitializeResource() addResourceSuccessful = True Catch exception As System.Exception Dim errorCallbackResult As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult = ErrorHandling.GetErrorCallback(exception) MapContextMenu.CallbackResults.Add(errorCallbackResult) End Try Return addResourceSuccessful End Function ' Utility function to refresh a web control's html and return it as a callback result Private Function RefreshControlHtml(ByVal webControl As System.Web.UI.Control) As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult ' Instantaite an HtmlTextWriter object Dim stringWriter As System.IO.StringWriter = New System.IO.StringWriter() Dim htmlTextWriter As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter = New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter) ' Render the passed-in control's html to the HtmlTextWriter webControl.RenderControl(htmlTextWriter) ' Get the control's html as a string Dim htmlContent As String = stringWriter.ToString() ' Close the StringWriter since we are done with it stringWriter.Close() ' Instantiate and return a callback result with the control and the html. Instantiating ' a callback result with 3 arguments where "content" is the 2nd argument will create a ' result instructing the out-of-the-box callback handler (ESRI.ADF.System.processCallbackResult) ' to re-render the control specified by the 1st argument with the html contained in the 3rd ' argument. Return ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.CallbackResult.CreateSetContent(webControl, htmlContent) End Function #End Region End Class