' Copyright 2011 ESRI ' ' All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States ' and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. ' ' You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or ' without modification, provided you include the original copyright ' notice and use restrictions. ' ' See the use restrictions. ' Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System Imports System.Web Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Tasks Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Display.Graphics Namespace ExtendedTasks Public Class ExtendFindAddressTask Inherits FindAddressTask Private m_taskResults As TaskResults = Nothing #Region "Instance Properties" ' Convenient access to the first TaskResults control in the Task's TaskResultsContainers collection Private ReadOnly Property TaskResultsInstance() As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.TaskResults Get ' Retrieve the TaskResults control if it has not already been If (m_taskResults Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not TaskResultsContainers(0) Is Nothing) Then m_taskResults = TryCast(Utility.FindControl(TaskResultsContainers(0).Name, Page), ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.TaskResults) End If Return m_taskResults End Get End Property #End Region #Region "FindAddressTask Overrides" ' Customizes the task results Public Overrides Sub ExecuteTask() ' Call the base task's ExcecuteTask function so that a default set of results is created MyBase.ExecuteTask() ' Results generated by the FindAddressTask are packaged in a Web ADF GraphicsDataSet If TypeOf Results Is GraphicsDataSet Then Dim resultsGraphicsDataSet As GraphicsDataSet = CType(Results, GraphicsDataSet) ' Only one table of match candidates is packaged as a FeatureGraphicsLayer and returned. Dim matchedResultsLayer As FeatureGraphicsLayer = CType(resultsGraphicsDataSet.Tables(0), FeatureGraphicsLayer) ' Define custom default renderer Dim newSimpleRenderer As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Display.Renderer.SimpleRenderer = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Display.Renderer.SimpleRenderer() Dim simpleMarkerSymbol As ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Display.Symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol = New ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Display.Symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol() simpleMarkerSymbol.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red simpleMarkerSymbol.Type = ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Display.Symbol.MarkerSymbolType.Circle simpleMarkerSymbol.Width = 12 simpleMarkerSymbol.Transparency = 50 newSimpleRenderer.Symbol = simpleMarkerSymbol ' The FindAddressTask base class generates a FeatureGraphicsLayer with a layer format. ' The layer format will be used to change the symbology and attributes displayed as results. Dim resultLayerFormat As LayerFormat = LayerFormat.GetDefault(matchedResultsLayer) ' If results are shown as map tips, client graphics are used to render results. If not, Web-tier graphics ' are used. Web-tier graphics are not interactive, thus the highlight renderer is not used. resultLayerFormat.Renderer = newSimpleRenderer ' Use the HighlightRenderer defined in the page markup. resultLayerFormat.HighlightRenderer = Me.HighlightRenderer ' Create a collection of fields to define those you want to alias and render visible in ' task results and the map tips callout window. Dim fieldsCollection As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection = New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection() ' If specified, the field will be visible and its name will be aliased. ' The first parameter is the actual field name. The second parameter is the alias name. fieldsCollection.Add("Score", "SCORE") ' Iterate through the fields in the layer format and set properties. Assign alias names and visibility. For Each fieldInfo As FieldInfo In resultLayerFormat.Fields Dim fieldDisplayed As Boolean = False Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While i < fieldsCollection.Keys.Count If fieldsCollection.GetKey(i) = fieldInfo.Name Then fieldInfo.Alias = fieldsCollection.GetValues(i)(0) fieldInfo.Visible = True fieldDisplayed = True Exit Do End If If (Not fieldDisplayed) Then fieldInfo.Visible = False End If i += 1 Loop Next fieldInfo ' Define the primary display fields in the title of the map tip callout and the parent node for each result row in task results. resultLayerFormat.Title = "{Match_addr}" ' Once finished modifying the layer format, apply it to the graphics layer. resultLayerFormat.Apply(matchedResultsLayer) End If End Sub #End Region End Class End Namespace