Roadmap for administrators

About roadmap for administrators

To develop with ArcGIS for Server, you need a basic understanding of the components of ArcGIS for Server and how they work together to share geographic information system (GIS) resources over the Web as services. ArcGIS Server Manager provides ArcGIS for Server administrators with a visual interface to configure the server, create services, and create out-of-the-box applications. The ArcGIS for Server Help system can be started from ArcGIS Server Manager, which explains all of these activities in more detail. If you are working on a development machine without ArcGIS Server Manager installed or you do not have access to ArcGIS Server Manager, the ArcGIS for Server Help system is also included under the "Managing your GIS Server" node in this Help system.
The following are the main topics under the "Managing your GIS Server" node:
  • What is ArcGIS for Server?—Provides an overview for beginners of what ArcGIS for Server is and how to work with it. If you are new to ArcGIS for Server, read all of the topics under the "Introducing ArcGIS for Server" node (experienced users might also find it valuable to read these topics to get a "bigger picture" of the system).
  • What types of services can you publish?—Explains how to share your GIS resources, such as maps, data, and tools, by making them available on the server. In this topic, you learn the types of resources you can publish and the supported interfaces to interact with your services, for example, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Representational State Transfer (REST), Keyhole Markup Language (KML), and so on. This topic and the other topics under the "Publishing services" node, also explain how to improve the performance of your maps through server-side caching.
  • Introduction to creating Web applications in Manager—Explains how to create out-of-the-box Web and mobile applications. If you do all of your development in Microsoft Visual Studio, you can skip the topics under the "Creating and managing applications" node and read the developer Help instead; however, if you want to use ArcGIS Server Manager to create a Web or mobile application through a wizard interface, you will find the topics under this node valuable.
  • Configuring a one-machine deployment—Explains how to configure your server and monitor its performance. It contains deployment scenarios, performance tips, and a detailed section on ArcGIS for Server security. Read this topic and the other topics under the "Administering the server" node if you will be administering the GIS server with your development tasks.