PageLayout control

In this topic

Local (DCOM) connections are only supported for ArcGIS for Server versions prior to 10.1.

About the PageLayout control

Use the PageLayout control to display the layout on a map document served through ArcGIS for Server. A layout is typically created in a map document for printing or displaying a map and related items. You can print the layout page displayed in the Web browser.
A toolbar can be included on the page and tools added at design time. These tools allow you to interact with the layout. Standard tools can be added that allow zooming and panning the layout page, as well as zooming and panning the map.
Unlike the Map control, the PageLayout control does not use an associated MapResourceManager. Instead, the resource information is set in the properties of the PageLayout control.

Using the control

Do the following to use the control:
  1. To add controls to the page, open or create a Web site in Visual Studio. Open a Web form in design mode, select the Toolbox panel, and expand the ArcGIS Web Controls tab. Drag and drop a PageLayout control and, optionally, a Toolbar control onto the Web form. See the following screen shot that shows the page in Visual Studio:

    PageLayout control in Visual Studio  

    If you added a Toolbar control, set its BuddyControlType property to PageLayout and add the previously added PageLayout control to the BuddyControls collection, then add one or more tools to the toolbar. When the buddy control is a page layout, the tools include zoom and pan on the page, and zoom and pan on the map.
  2. To set PageLayout properties, select the PageLayout control. Do the following on the Properties window:
    1. Select the value for the PageLayoutResource property and click the ellipsis button. See the following screen shot:

      PageLayout properties 
    2. When you click the PageLayoutResource ellipsis button on the Properties window, the following GIS Page Layout Resource Definition Editor dialog box appears:

    3. Click the Type drop-down arrow and select ArcGIS Server Local.
    4. Click the Data Source ellipsis button or type the name of the ArcGIS for Server machine.
    5. Click the Resource ellipsis button to set the resource used to an available service.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Resize the PageLayout control to an acceptable size and select it on the page. Click and hold the pointer over a handle on a side or corner of the control, then drag the control to an acceptable size. By default, the position of the controls added in Visual Studio at design time are not set. As a result, the controls are permitted to flow left-to-right on a line and top-to-bottom on the page. For more information, see Visual Studio 2008/2010 integration.
  3. Web sites using an ArcGIS for Server Local resource must contain an ArcGIS identity to enable use of the resource. To add an identity, right-click the Web application in the Solution Explorer, then click Add ArcGIS Identity. The Add ArcGIS Identity dialog box appears.
  4. On the dialog box, type the user name, password, and domain or machine name, then click OK to insert the identity, which is stored in the web.config file for the application.
    • The identity must be a member of the agsusers group on the server object manager (SOM) machine. One identity is allowed per application; therefore, if your application connects to multiple local servers, make sure the identity account is in the agsusers group on all servers.
    • If an appropriate identity is not added to the application, an error message appears at run time.

Tables not exported with layout

Tables included in a layout in the ArcMap document are not included in the exported layout.


The following table shows a list of properties related to the PageLayout control. For more reference information, see the PageLayout control in the Library Reference section.
Property name
Color of the box drawn on the Map and PageLayout controls' display while using the DragRectangle or PageDragRectangle Client Action tools (for example, when zooming in and out).
Line width of shapes dragged on the Map and PageLayout controls when using a tool.
Determines if images are fetched continuously during panning on the map or only when panning is complete.
Format of the output image.
Initial extent a control first renders.
MapResource that shows on the PageLayout.
Collection of tool items.
If set to true, stores output images in session and streams them to the client, or stores them on the file system.
Path to the virtual directory in which images can be written, for example, ~/output/.


The following table shows a list of events related to the PageLayout control. For more reference information, see the PageLayout control in the Library Reference section.
Event type
Raised before a WebPageLayout is created.
Raised before a WebPageLayout is disposed.
Raised before a WebPageLayout is refreshed.
Raised when the contents of this control (for example, the extent) are changed.
Raised when the control processes a tool associated with the DragImage Client Tool Action.
Raised when the control processes a tool associated with the DragRectangle Client Tool Action.
Raised after a WebPageLayout is created.
Raised after a WebPageLayout is disposed.
Raised after a WebPageLayout is refreshed.
Raised when the control processes a tool associated with the MapDragImage Client Tool Action.
Raised when the control processes a tool associated with the MapDragRectangle Client Tool Action.
Raised when the control processes a tool associated with the MapPoint Client Tool Action.
Raised when the PageLayout control has been clicked.
Raised when the control processes a tool associated with the Point Client Tool Action.
Raised when the scale on the layout has changed.

See Also:

Visual Studio 2008/2010 integration
Web controls
Customizing the Web Mapping Application

To use the code in this topic, reference the following assemblies in your Visual Studio project. In the code files, you will need using (C#) or Imports (VB .NET) directives for the corresponding namespaces (given in parenthesis below if different from the assembly name):
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.Layout.dll