Welcome to the help for developing Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS add-ins

Using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF, you can develop add-ins for Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS for Windows.

What can you do with add-ins for Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS?

You can develop add-ins that provide custom widgets, map tools, and feature actions to other users. You can also set custom toolbars into existing map widgets.

See the Overview of developing add-ins topic for more information.

What is included in the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF for Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS development?

The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF includes the following items specifically for Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS add-in development:

Getting help

More information

You may want to also refer to the following topics for more information on the supported hardware and software required for developing add-ins, and information on known issues and limitations.
