Installation and setup

First, refer to the main ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF Installation and setup topic for information on installing the SDK and licensing a developer machine.

Note that unlike WPF applications developed with the SDK, add-ins developed for Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS do not need to be licensed themselves.

System requirements and known limitations

You may want to also refer to the following topics for more information on the supported hardware and software required for developing add-ins, and information on known issues and limitations.

The Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS application

The Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS application is installed by end users directly from the ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS site. The application is then automatically updated when a user opens it, if updates are available online.

The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF installs a copy of the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS application, for local debugging and testing of add-ins. This copy is installed because the location of the end user install of the application cannot be determined by the SDK.

It is not necessary to have installed the application directly from ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS when developing add-ins. However, it is recommended that operation views containing add-ins are configured using this end user installation, in order to ensure the developer is using a compatible version of the application.

See the Overview of deploying add-ins topic for more information about authoring operation views containing add-ins.
