Release notes: ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.5 for WPF
This topic contains information on enhancements, issues addressed, and known limitations contained in the 10.2.5, 10.2.3 and 10.2.2 releases of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF. The latest 10.2.5 (January 2015) release follows the 10.2.3 (May 2014) release. Note there was no release of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF at version 10.2.4.
ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.5 for WPF
- Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition is now a supported IDE.
- The gdbVersion on RelationshipParameter Class is now supported.
- New DrawMode.ScreenAlignedRectangle enumeration type was added (Note: DrawMode.Rectangle is map-aligned)
- Support for feature collection items by reference in WebMaps
- Exposed Symbol properties on Editor, TemplatePicker and EditorWidget.
- Support for WMTS multidimensional services.
Issues addressed in this release:
- BUG-000081281 Application with the Scale Line control freezes while continuously zooming out and consuming non-WGS1984 MPKs.
- BUG-000082172 MapControl properties bound to text elements fail to update when zooming in.
- BUG-000082327 A vertex added using Draw.AddVertex is removed after moving the mouse on the map.
- ENH-000083496 Update the system requirements page to list Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition as a supported IDE.
- NIM080378 Difficulty in performing editing operations in touch screen environments.
- NIM084796 Add support for WMS and WMTS spatial reference Well Known IDs which are equivalent to epsg:4326.
- NIM086448 Please document that the MessageGroupLayer class does not work if AcceleratedDisplay is disabled.
- NIM086899 The UpdateFailed event on FeatureLayer reports many errors as "Failed to update feature Layer".
- NIM087709 A crash occurs when editing a field in a FeatureDataGrid if the field is constrained by a range domain and subtype.
- NIM087710 Field values that are within a range domain constraint do not display on a FeatureDataGrid.
- NIM088182 Include properties to change the color/symbology of the selection tools in Editor Class.
- NIM089370 When changing the width of the InfoWindow it is displaced from its original position.
- NIM089393 Provide properties to set custom symbols while Editing Vertices using Editor.
- NIM089531 RequestUri is double encoded for the QueryTask with ProxyURL.
- NIM089600 Query on HydrographicS57 Layer with the combination of geometry and where clause (addressed in previous release).
- NIM089845 Would like to be able to query the s57 layers based on only attributes (addressed in previous release).
- NIM091054 API fails to load some secured services in a web map if the web map is from
- NIM092532 Provide support for the styleUrl element in the KmlLayer class.
- NIM093799 Unable to catch the ArgumentException while reading bad data with the FileGPSCoordinateWatcher.
- NIM094016 Corrupt Korean characters with the S-57 layer on a custom application.
- NIM094386 Adding large numbers of graphics to the legend causes a crash.
- NIM095750 Memory leak when using the flareclusterer and adding graphics.
- NIM096157 Clusterer performance without outFields is poor.
- NIM096350 FeatureDataGrid does not display GUID fields and edits to the graphic fail due to invalid GUID json.
- NIM096637 FeatureLayer with Mode=OnDemand AutoSave=False brings back deleted graphic after pan if the layer contains just the single graphic and SaveEdits has not been called.
- NIM096836 Update WPF SDK documentation to indicate the valid range for Brightness and Contrast.
- NIM096889 Unable to display Web Map Tiling Service (WMTS) service tiles due to an incorrect request to the WMTS service.
- NIM097075 Layer name that includes underscore does not display correctly.
- NIM097299 The Set Flow Direction tool is incorrectly categorized as Generalization toolset instead of Geometric Network toolset in the Web help.
- NIM097527 Turkish characters are displayed incorrectly in while using App6 and Mil2525C symbol dictionaries for processing symbols.
- NIM099156 / NIM101470 Some symbol graphics do not counter-rotate after certain map rotation and panning operations.
- NIM099237 Attachment editor changes the file name in some languages.
- NIM099665 Incorrect map scale for coordinate system JGD_2011_Japan_Zone_10 (WKID 102619)
- NIM100022 The ObjectID field is not set after the FeatureLayer.EndSaveEdits event fires.
- NIM100255 MeasureAction not working properly on touch screen device using finger or stylus.
- NIM100522 On a rotated map, a rectangle is drawn oriented to map rather than page.
- NIM100588 OverviewMap becomes blank when zooming out on main map.
- NIM100722 GpsLayer symbol does not reflect changes in the course heading information when the RenderingMode property is set to GraphicsLayerRenderingMode.Dynamic (default) and Map.UseAcceleratedDisplated is True.
- NIM101115 Certain symbols throws “Failed to process message” when trying to place them in the map in ArcGIS Runtime for WPF Sample Application.
- NIM101459 Support services that advertise latestWkid.
- NIM101544 Improve tiled layer memory usage under rapid navigation.
- NIM101652 Arrow keys navigate based on map orientation instead of screen.
- NIM102902 Display Attribute tool opens two windows when touching feature.
- NIM103089 SpatialReference value is NULL when moving the polyline geometry using Editor.
- NIM103465 Unable to run applications if the deployment is in a folder which has multibyte characters in the path.
- NIM104062 Local server process crashes when trying to load an mpk that contains raster data in a 64 bit Japanese Windows.
- NIM104095 Add support for gdbVersion to RelationshipParameter class.
- NIM104340 Value does not fall within the expected range exception when the map is on a tab control and trying to change the map extent from another tab.
- NIM104466 ArcGISTiledLayer does not display data when zooming in beyond the minimum resolution defined by the service.
Known Limitations:
- NIM087197 Runtime for WPF sdk-CSVLayer cannot parse csv file if file encoding is SJIS. Supported text character encodings of the CSV file are Unicode/UTF-8 only. If other character encodings are desired, download the source code for the Toolkit from CodePlex and modify as necessary.
- NIM087210 Local server Find Address Candidates (Get) method displays garbled Japanese characters when viewed in the HTML server endpoint.
- NIM087212 LocalServer Utility tries to read settings from wrong directory on Japanese OS. Workaround is to edit the contents of the RuntimeLocalServer config file manually.
- NIM097192 Local GP Services do not handle Japanese characters in task parameter names
- NIM098178 The MIL2525C contaminated area symbols do not render their internal icons properly in ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF.
- NIM102678 Local Server automatically converts Shape file character code to UTF-8 when geoprocessing tool is used to manipulate shape file.
- NIM103465 LocalServer does not start if the user account name contains multibyte characters. The workaround is to set the AppDataPath and TempPath properties on the ArcGISRuntime class.
- Occasionally tiled layers display the incorrect tiles because the web client cache returns the wrong images. This can be resolved by setting the ArcGISWebClient.DefaultCachePolicy to System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore.
- Some Toolkit controls do not automatically recognize the UI language. This can be resolved by overriding the control templates.
API Changes between v10.2.3 and v10.2.5:
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.dll
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Behaviors assembly (no significant changes)
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Bing assembly (no significant changes)
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Local assembly (no significant changes)
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Portal.dll
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Printing assembly (no significant changes)
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.dll
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Toolkit.DataSources.dll
ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.3 for WPF
Issues addressed in this release:
- NIM099594: Oracle errors, ORA-29877, ORA-20085 and ORA-06512 are encountered when attempting to make object schema changes, spatial index changes, add Global IDs, registering data as versioned (Register as Versioned tool), or creating a raster dataset in ArcCatalog after upgrading certain ArcSDE 10.0 Oracle geodatabases. For more information please see:
- OpenSSL Vulnerability CVE-2014-0160 (Heartbleed): The vulnerable OpenSSL library was included with Runtime WPF releases 10.1.1, 10.2, and 10.2.2 but is not utilized in a manner where the vulnerability is exploitable. However the version of the OpenSSL library has now been upgraded to 1.0.1g.
- Renderer Rotation:When using the accelerated display mode changes to RotationExpression and RotationType are not recognized unless the Renderer is reset.
Known Limitations:
- NIM100722: GpsLayer symbol does not reflect changes in the course heading information when the RenderingMode property is set to GraphicsLayerRenderingMode.Dynamic (the default) and Map.UseAcceleratedDisplated is True. Instead consider using GraphicsLayerRenderingMode.Dynamic.Static.
Other Notes:
If you are using ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2 for WPF please visit for special instructions on licensing your development machine and your app deployments.
ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.2 for WPF
- The licensing process has been further streamlined for the 10.2.2 release to make it even easier for you to develop, test and release your applications built with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF:
- By registering as an ArcGIS Developer ( and downloading the ArcGIS Runtime SDK, you are licensed to undertake development and testing. It is no longer necessary to physically authorize your machine for development as you did in previous releases by obtaining an Authorization Number and entering it in the Software Authorization Wizard step at the end of the SDK installation. The Software Authorization Wizard is no longer included in the setup.
- Development and test license strings are no longer required when testing your application on non-development machines. These license strings are identifiable by the inclusion of "rus", for example "rus123456789". You should ensure that any such license string is removed from any applications you are currently developing or testing.
- When testing Standard level functionality in your application you will see a message box alerting you the application is running using a development license. You can simply click OK on this message box, acknowledging the requirement to purchase a license for Standard level functionality when you are ready to release your application.
- When deploying applications which only use functionality included at the Basic level license, it is no longer necessary to obtain and set a Basic license string. You can, if you choose, still use pre-10.2.2 Basic license strings and they will be validated as usual by the ArcGIS Runtime.
- The Standard and Extension license behavior continues to work in the same way as in previous releases.
- A new Update operation has been added to the AttachmentEditor.
- A new GdbVersion property is available on the ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer class.
- The IdentityManager has a new DefaultReferer property.
- The following new Geoprocessing tools are now available in the ArcGIS Runtime LocalServer (requires Standard license):
- Linear Referencing Tools > Calibrate Routes
- Linear Referencing Tools > Create Routes
- Linear Referencing Tools > Dissolve Route Events
- Linear Referencing Tools > Locate Features Along Routes
- Linear Referencing Tools > Make Route Event Layer
- Linear Referencing Tools > Overlay Route Events
- Linear Referencing Tools > Transform Route Events
- Conversion Tools > Excel > Excel to Table
- Conversion Tools > Excel > Table to Excel
- Conversion Tools > JSON > Features to JSON
- Conversion Tools > JSON > JSON to Features
- Data Management > Features > Points To Line
- Data Management > Features > Bearing Distance to Line
- Data Management > Features > XY to Line
- Data Management > Raster > Mosaic Dataset > Create Mosaic Dataset
- Data Management > Raster > Mosaic Dataset > Add Rasters To Mosaic Dataset
- Spatial Statistics > Mapping Clusters > Optimized Hot Spot Analysis
- 3D Analyst Tools > Functional Surface > Stack Profile (requires Standard + 3D Analyst Extension license)
- 3D Analyst Tools > Functional Surface > Surface Volume (requires Standard + 3D Analyst Extension license)
- 3D Analyst Tools > Functional Surface > Interpolate Shape (requires Standard + 3D Analyst Extension license)
- New languages: Turkish and Thai.
Issues addressed in this release:
- NIM090203: The drawing performance in a file geodatabase is slow when there are large gaps in the Object IDs.
- NIM097557 File Geodatabase save performance decreased from ArcGIS 10.2 to ArcGIS 10.2.1.
- NIM099550 Error when calling SaveEdits operation on FeatureLayer referencing LocalFeatureService.
- NIM097528 Support gdbVersion on ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.
- NIM096372 Unable to add attachment using AttachmentEditor.
- NIM096932 If user clicks the Cancel button on the OAuth form, the returned message is not localized.
- NIM097191 Snapping during draw with UseAcceleratedDisplay=True crashes with AccessViolationException.
Known Limitations:
- NIM086349 Alternate Query (Get) requests to some map services fail in ArcGIS Server 10.1 SP1.
- Workaround: Set FeatureLayer.DisableClientCaching = True.
- ArcGIS for Desktop analyzers may not indicate an ArcGIS Runtime deployment requires Python Geoprocessing Tools to successfully execute geoprocessing packages when packaging tools/models/scripts which include Spatial Statistics tools.
- Linear Referencing tools require an ArcGIS Runtime deployment which includes Network Analyst .
- The following layer/symbol types are not supported when using the accelerated display mode. To use these layers or layers with these renderers/symbols you should use the AcceleratedDisplayLayers group layer for the majority of your layers and place the unsupported content outside the group layer.
- ElementLayer
- TemporalRender
- CartographicLineSymbol
- Flare clusterers
- When using the accelerated display mode custom symbols defined via ControlTemplates are not supported. It is recommended you try to minimize the use of custom/animated symbols and consider using the standard esri symbol types (SimpleMarkerSymbol, PictureMarkerSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, and PictureFillSymbol) which are supported in the hardware accelerated display mode. In cases where custom/animated symbols are required, the AcceleratedDisplayLayers group layer is available to provide optimum performance for the majority of layers in your map and one or graphics layers can be used on top of this for the display of these symbols.
- Navigation can appear slow when a debugger is attached and the map has the accelerated display mode enabled. The display can appear to "stutter" when zooming in, especially on tile layers. This is due to performance impact of the debugger interacting with .Net exception handling. The exceptions are within the.Net framework and are caused by cancelling in-progress web requests for tiles that are not needed for display. It is recommended to verify application performance in release mode without a debugger attached.
Other Notes:
- The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF at 10.2.2 no longer supports the development or deployment of applications on Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2003. This was announced in the Deprecation Plan for ArcGIS 10.1 and ArcGIS 10.2 online. However, contrary to the statement of support for the Microsoft .NET Framework in the aforementioned deprecation notice, the 10.2.2 release of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF continues to be compiled for .NET 4.0.
- The MS Help Viewer integrated help is no longer included for VS2010, VS2012, or VS2013. API reference information can be acessed via the object browser. Conceptual information and API Reference can both be found online.