Supported geoprocessing tools
The following geoprocessing tools can be packaged for use with the Local Server.
The tools listed in the tables below may require a minimum version of ArcGIS for Desktop for packaging and ArcGIS Runtime Local Server for execution. These tools will be tagged as follows:
- * = support for this tool was added at version 10.2: requires ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2 or greater to package, ArcGIS Runtime Local Server 10.2 or greater to execute.
- ** = support for this tool was added at version 10.2.2: requires ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2.2 or greater to package, ArcGIS Runtime Local Server 10.2.2 or greater to execute.
Basic license level tools
Local Server geoprocessing is not available with a Basic license.
Standard license level tools
The following geoprocessing tools are accessible to apps licensed at the Standard level.
Toolbox | Toolset | Tool Name |
3D Analyst Tools | Visibility | Line Of Sight Viewshed |
Analysis Tools | Extract | Clip Select Table Select |
Overlay | Intersect Spatial Join Union | |
Proximity | Buffer Multiple Ring Buffer | |
Statistics | Summary Statistics | |
Conversion Tools | From Raster | Raster to ASCII Raster to Float Raster to Point Raster to Polygon Raster to Polyline |
To dBASE | Table to dBASE (multiple) | |
To Geodatabase | Feature Class to Feature Class Feature Class to Geodatabase (multiple) Raster To Geodatabase (multiple) Table to Geodatabase (multiple) Table to Table | |
To Raster | ASCII to Raster DEM to Raster Feature to Raster Float to Raster | |
To Shapefile | Feature Class To Shapefile (multiple) | |
From Excel | Excel to Table** | |
To Excel | Table to Excel** | |
From JSON | JSON to Features** | |
To JSON | Features to JSON** | |
Data Management Tools | Domains | Add Coded Value To Domain Assign Domain To Field Create Domain Delete Coded Value From Domain Delete Domain Remove Domain From Field Set Value For Range Domain Table To Domain |
Feature Class | Create Feature Class Create Fishnet Create Random Points Integrate | |
Features | Add XY Coordinates Adjust 3D Z Check Geometry Copy Features Delete Features Minimum Bounding Geometry Multipart To Singlepart Points to Line** Repair Geometry Bearing Distance to Line** XY to Line** | |
Fields | Add Field Assign Default To Field Calculate End Time Calculate Field Convert Time Field Convert Time Zone Delete Field | |
General | Append Calculate Value Copy Delete Merge* Rename Select Data | |
Generalization | Dissolve | |
Geometric Network | Trace Geometric Network Set Flow Direction | |
Indexes | Add Attribute Index Add Spatial Index Remove Attribute Index Remove Spatial Index | |
Joins | Add Join Join Field Remove Join | |
Layers and Table Views | Make Feature Layer Make Raster Layer* Make Table View* Make XY Event Layer Save To Layer File Select Layer By Attribute | |
Projections and Transformations | Define Projection | |
Mosaic Dataset | Create Mosaic Dataset** Add Rasters To Mosaic Dataset** | |
Raster Dataset | Copy Raster Mosaic To New Raster* | |
Raster Processing | Clip | |
Raster Properties | Calculate Statistics Get Cell Value* Get Raster Properties* | |
Subtypes | Add Subtype Remove Subtype Set Default Subtype Set Subtype Field | |
Table | Copy Rows Create Table Delete Rows Get Count | |
Workspace | Clear Workspace Cache Create Feature Dataset Create File GDB Create Folder | |
Editing Tools | Editing | Densify* Snap |
Linear Referencing Tools | Calibrate Routes** Create Routes** Dissolve Route Events** Locate Features Along Routes** Make Route Event Layer** Overlay Route Events** Transform Route Events** | |
Network Analyst Tools | Analysis | Add Field To Analysis Layer Add Locations Calculate Locations Copy Traverse Source Feature Directions Make Closest Facility Make Location-Allocation Layer Make OD Cost Matrix Layer Make Vehicle Routing Problem Layer Solve Update Analysis Layer Attribute Parameter |
Spatial Statistics Tools | Analyzing Patterns | Average Nearest Neighbor Multi-Distance Spatial Cluster Analysis (Ripleys K Function) Spatial Autocorrelation (Morans I) |
Mapping Clusters | Cluster and Outlier Analysis (Anselin Local Morans I) Grouping Analysis Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) Optimized Hot Spot Analysis** | |
Measuring Geographic Distributions | Central Feature Directional Distribution (Standard Deviational Ellipse) Linear Directional Mean Mean Center Median Center Standard Distance | |
Modeling Spatial Relationships | Exploratory Regression Generate Spatial Weights Matrix Ordinary Least Squares | |
Rendering | Cluster/Outlier Analysis with Rendering Collect Events with Rendering Count Rendering Hot Spot Analysis with Rendering ZScore Rendering | |
Utilities | Calculate Areas Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count Collect Events Export Feature Attribute to ASCII |
Spatial Analysis extension license tools
The following geoprocessing tools are accessible to apps licensed for the Spatial Analysis extension.
Toolbox | Toolset | Tool Name |
Spatial Analyst Tools | Conditional | Con Pick Set Null |
Density | Kernel Density Line Density Point Density | |
Distance | Corridor Cost Allocation Cost Back Link Cost Distance Cost Path Euclidean Allocation Euclidean Direction Euclidean Distance Path Distance Path Distance Allocation Path Distance Back Link | |
Extraction | Extract by Attributes Extract by Circle Extract by Mask Extract by Points Extract by Polygon Extract by Rectangle Extract Multi Values to Points Extract Values to Points Sample | |
Generalization | Aggregate Boundary Clean Expand Majority Filter Nibble Region Group Shrink Thin | |
Groundwater | Darcy Flow Darcy Velocity Particle Track | |
Hydrology | Basin Fill Flow Accumulation Flow Direction Flow Length Sink Snap Pour Point Stream Link Stream Order Stream to Feature Watershed | |
Interpolation | IDW Kriging Natural Neighbor Spline Trend | |
Local | Cell Statistics Combine Equal To Frequency Greater Than Frequency Highest Position Less Than Frequency Lowest Position Popularity Rank | |
Math | Abs Divide Exp Exp10 Exp2 Float Int Ln Log10 Log2 Minus Mod Negate Plus Power Round Down Round Up Square Square Root Times | |
Math\Bitwise | Bitwise And Bitwise Left Shift Bitwise Not Bitwise Or Bitwise Right Shift Bitwise XOr | |
Math\Logical | Boolean And Boolean Not Boolean Or Boolean XOr Combinatorial And Combinatorial Or Combinatorial XOr Diff Equal To Greater Than Greater Than Equal InList Is Null Less Than Less Than Equal Not Equal Over Test | |
Math\Trigonometric | ACos ACosH ASin ASinH ATan ATan2 ATanH Cos CosH Sin SinH Tan TanH | |
Multivariate | Band Collection Statistics Iso Cluster Principal Components | |
Neighborhood | Block Statistics Filter Focal Flow Focal Statistics Line Statistics Point Statistics | |
Overlay | Fuzzy Membership Fuzzy Overlay | |
Raster Creation | Create Constant Raster Create Normal Raster Create Random Raster | |
Solar Radiation | Area Solar Radiation Points Solar Radiation Solar Radiation Graphics | |
Spatial Statistics | Geographically Weighted Regression | |
Surface | Aspect Contour Contour List Contour with Barriers Curvature Cut Fill Hillshade Observer Points Slope Viewshed | |
Zonal | Tabulate Area Zonal Fill Zonal Geometry Zonal Geometry as Table Zonal Histogram Zonal Statistics Zonal Statistics as Table |
3D Analysis extension license tools
The following geoprocessing tools are accessible to apps licensed for the 3D Analysis extension.
Toolbox | Toolset | Tool Name |
3D Analyst Tools | Conversion\From File | ASCII 3D To Feature Class* |
Conversion\From Raster | Raster Domain Raster to Multipoint | |
Conversion\To Raster | Point to Raster Polygon to Raster Polyline to Raster | |
Functional Surface | Stack Profile** Surface Volume** Interpolate Shape** | |
Raster Interpolation | IDW Kriging Natural Neighbor Spline Trend | |
Raster Math | Divide Float Int Minus Plus Times | |
Raster Surface | Aspect Contour Contour List Contour with Barriers Curvature Cut Fill Hillshade Slope | |
Visibility | Construct Sight Lines Observer Points Skyline Skyline Barrier Skyline Graph |
Network Analysis extension license tools
The following geoprocessing tools are accessible to apps licensed for the Network Analysis extension.
Toolbox | Toolset | Tool Name |
Network Analyst Tools | Analysis | Make Service Area Layer |
Network Dataset | Build Network | |
Server | Generate Service Areas Solve Vehicle Routing Problem |