Working with features using the Geometry task
The Geometry task provides a range of methods for performing geometric operations on input geometries. With the geometry task, you can calculate area and length, generate a buffer, retrieve label points, project geometries into a different spatial reference, simplify geometries, and determine the spatial relationship between geometries. To use a Geometry task in your application, you need to implement the task's execution logic and provide a way for users to specify input geometry and view the task's results. This topic will focus on the usage of the Geometry task's methods. It is assumed that you are familiar with implementing code for capturing input geometries and defining elements for displaying results such as GraphicsLayers and MapTips. For further information about those topics, refer to the topics Creating a map, Draw Surface, Querying the Map, Finding Features in the Map, and Identifying Features on the Map.
Additional examples of the Geometry task functionality can be found in the ArcGIS Runtime WPF Samples application accessed from the start menu.