ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
FeatureLayerInfo Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService Namespace : FeatureLayerInfo Class

The following tables list the members exposed by FeatureLayerInfo.

Public Properties

public PropertyAllowGeometryUpdatesReturns true if editing geometry is allowed.  
public PropertyCanModifyLayerGets the value indicating whether this layer supports modifying its renderer, data source, or join information.  
public PropertyCanScaleSymbolsGets the value indicating whether this layer renders its symbols based on scale.  
public PropertyCapabilitiesGets the capabilities of the feature layer.  
public PropertyCopyrightTextThe copyright text for the layer. Map service layer only.  
public PropertyDefaultSpatialReferenceThe spatial reference of the layer. Feature Service layer only.  
public PropertyDefaultVisibilityReturns true if layer draws by default.  
public PropertyDefinitionExpressionThe definition expression. Map Service layers only.  
public PropertyDescriptionLayer description. Map Service layers only.  
public PropertyDisplayFieldThe name of the field that has the feature's description. Map service layer only.  
public PropertyEditFieldsInfoGets the edit fields info. If a layer has editor tracking enabled, its EditFieldsInfo property will include information about editor tracking fields: creationDateField, creatorField, editDateField and editorField.  
public PropertyEffectiveMaxScaleReturns effective maximum scale calculated based on the maximum scale of the current layer and its ancestors. This represent the effective maximum scale at which the layer is visible.  
public PropertyEffectiveMinScaleReturns effective minimum scale calculated based on the mininum scale of the current layer and its ancestors. This represent the effective minimum scale at which the layer is visible.  
public PropertyEnableZDefaultsReturns true if editing has a default Z value.  
public PropertyExtentThe extent of the layer. Map service layer only.  
public PropertyFeatureTypesThe sub-types of features in this layer indexed by feature type ID.  
public PropertyFieldsThe fields in the layer.  
public PropertyGeometryTypeThe geometry type of the graphics in the layer.  
public PropertyGlobalIdFieldThe name of the field that has the Global ID for the feature. Feature Service layer only.  
public PropertyHasAttachmentsIndicates whether the features can store attachments. False if it is a map service layer.  
public PropertyHasLabelsGets the value indicating whether this layer has labels.  
public PropertyHasMReturns true if layer supports M values.  
public PropertyHasZReturns true if layer supports Z values.  
public PropertyIdThe ID of the layer.  
public PropertyIsAddAllowedGets a value indicating whether new features can be created in this feature layer instance.  
public PropertyIsDataVersionedIndicates if the layer is versioned. Feature Service layers only.  
public PropertyIsDeleteAllowedGets a value indicating whether features can be deleted from this feature layer instance.  
public PropertyIsReadOnlyGets a value indicating whether this instance is editable or not.  
public PropertyIsUpdateAllowedGets a value indicating whether features and attachments (if any) can be updated in this feature layer instance.  
public PropertyMaximumScaleThe maximum scale in which this layer can be viewed.  
public PropertyMaxRecordCountGets the max record count.  
public PropertyMinimumScaleThe minimum scale in which this layer can be viewed.  
public PropertyNameThe name of the layer  
public PropertyObjectIdFieldThe name of the field that has the Object ID for the feature. Feature Service layer only.  
public PropertyOwnershipBasedAccessControlGets the ownership based access control. If ownership-based access control is enabled on features, OwnershipBasedAccessControl property of a layer will include AllowOthersToUpdate and AllowOthersToDelete properties.  
public PropertyRelationshipsGets the relationships for the layer.  
public PropertyRendererThe renderer used for determining feature symbols.  
public PropertySupportsAdvancedQueriesGets the value indicating whether this layer supports advanced queries.  
public PropertySupportsAmfQueryFormatGets the value indicating whether this layer supports queries returning AMF. This flag is determined by checking whether 'AMF' is listed in the server's 'supportedQueryFormats' or, if this metadata is not provided, the server version is 10.0 or above.  
public PropertySupportsStatisticsGets the value indicating whether this layer supports statistics.  
public PropertyTemplatesFor layers without sub-types, the templates of features.  
public PropertyTimeInfoThe time info for this layer.  
public PropertyTypeThe type of the layer. "Table" if just a table. "Feature Layer" for feature layers.  
public PropertyTypeIdFieldThe name of the field that has the Type ID for the feature. Feature Service layer only.  
public PropertyZDefaultDefault Z value of points added. NaN if not set/supported.  

Public Methods

public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromJsonDeserializes the JSON string to FeatureLayerInfo.  
public MethodToJsonSerializes the FeatureLayerInfo to JSON.  

See Also

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