ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
DynamicCodedValueDomainColumn Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit Namespace : DynamicCodedValueDomainColumn Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DynamicCodedValueDomainColumn.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorDynamicCodedValueDomainColumn ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DynamicCodedValueDomainColumn class.  

Public Properties

public PropertyActualWidthGets the current width of the column, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyBindingGets or sets the binding that associates the column with a property in the data source. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn)
public PropertyCanUserReorderGets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can change the column display position by dragging the column header. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyCanUserResizeGets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can adjust the column width by using the mouse. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyCanUserSortGets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can sort the column by clicking the column header. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyCellStyleGets or sets the style that is used to render cells in the column. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyClipboardContentBindingGets or sets the binding object to use when getting or setting cell content for the clipboard. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn)
public PropertyDependencyObjectTypeGets the System.Windows.DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public PropertyDispatcherGets the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher this System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject is associated with. (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject)
public PropertyDisplayIndexGets or sets the display position of the column relative to the other columns in the System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyDragIndicatorStyleGets or sets the style object to apply to the column header during a drag operation. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyDynamicCodedValueSourceGets or sets the dynamic coded value source. a Dictionary that is used to lookup the CodedValueSource that should be used based on the LookupField value.  
public PropertyEditingElementStyleGets or sets the style that is used when rendering the element that the column displays for a cell in editing mode. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn)
public PropertyElementStyleGets or sets the style that is used when rendering the element that the column displays for a cell that is not in editing mode. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn)
public PropertyFieldGets or sets the field. The field name of the graphic attribute that should be used for this column.  
public PropertyFieldInfoGets or sets the field information.  
public PropertyHeaderGets or sets the content of the column header. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyHeaderStringFormatGets or sets the format pattern to apply to the content of the column header. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyHeaderStyleGets or sets the style that is used when rendering the column header. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyHeaderTemplateGets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of the column header. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyHeaderTemplateSelectorGets or sets the object that selects which template to use for the column header. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyIsAutoGeneratedGets a value that indicates whether the column is auto-generated. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyIsFrozenGets a value that indicates whether the column is prevented from scrolling horizontally. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyIsReadOnlyGets or sets a value that indicates whether cells in the column can be edited. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyIsSealedGets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public PropertyLookupFieldGets or sets the lookup field. The lookup field is used to determine what coded value source to use for this column. i.e. LookupField will usually be the TypeIDField and when the value of the TypeIDField changes a coded value source will be looked up from the DynamicCodedValueSource property.  
public PropertyMaxWidthGets or sets the maximum width constraint of the column. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyMinWidthGets or sets the minimum width constraint of the column. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertySortDirectionGets or sets the sort direction (ascending or descending) of the column. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertySortMemberPathGets or sets a property name, or a period-delimited hierarchy of property names, that indicates the member to sort by. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyVisibilityGets or sets the visibility of the column. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public PropertyWidthGets or sets the column width or automatic sizing mode. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)

Public Methods

public MethodClearValueOverloaded. Clears the local value of a property. The property to be cleared is specified by a System.Windows.DependencyProperty identifier. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodCoerceValueCoerces the value of the specified dependency property. This is accomplished by invoking any System.Windows.CoerceValueCallback function specified in property metadata for the dependency property as it exists on the calling System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodEquals (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodGetCellContentOverloaded. Gets the System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content property value for the cell at the intersection of this column and the row that represents the specified data item. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public MethodGetHashCodeGets a hash code for this System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodGetLocalValueEnumeratorCreates a specialized enumerator for determining which dependency properties have locally set values on this System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodGetValueReturns the current effective value of a dependency property on this instance of a System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodInvalidateProperty (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodOnCopyingCellClipboardContentRaises the System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn.CopyingCellClipboardContent event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public MethodOnPastingCellClipboardContentRaises the System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn.PastingCellClipboardContent event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public MethodReadLocalValueReturns the local value of a dependency property, if it exists. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodSetCurrentValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodSetValueOverloaded. Sets the local value of a dependency property, specified by its dependency property identifier. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)

Protected Methods

protected MethodCancelCellEditCauses the cell being edited to revert to the original, unedited value. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
protected MethodCommitCellEditPerforms any required validation before exiting cell editing mode. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
protected MethodGenerateEditingElementOverridden. When overridden in a derived class, gets an editing element that is bound to the column's System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn.Binding property value.  
protected MethodGenerateElementOverridden. When overridden in a derived class, gets a read-only element that is bound to the column's System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn.Binding property value.  
protected MethodNotifyPropertyChanged (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
protected MethodOnBindingChangedNotifies the System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid when the value of the System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn.Binding property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn)
protected MethodOnCoerceIsReadOnlyDetermines the value of the System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn.IsReadOnly property based on property rules from the data grid that contains this column. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridBoundColumn)
protected MethodOnPropertyChangedInvoked whenever the effective value of any dependency property on this System.Windows.DependencyObject has been updated. The specific dependency property that changed is reported in the event data. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
protected MethodPrepareCellForEditOverridden. When overridden in a derived class, sets cell content as needed for editing.  

Public Events

public EventCopyingCellClipboardContentOccurs after the cell clipboard content is prepared. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)
public EventPastingCellClipboardContentOccurs before the clipboard content is moved to the cell. (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.DataGridColumn)

See Also

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