Portal for ArcGIS and Portal API

Portal for ArcGIS

Portal for ArcGIS is a website and repository for GIS content such as web maps and applications. It provides the same collaboration and sharing tools as ArcGIS Online, but differs in where it is hosted and what content is available to users. Portal for ArcGIS can be deployed behind an organization's firewall, on premise, in the cloud, or a private instance can be hosted and managed by Esri for your organization.

Portal for ArcGIS API

The Portal API is based on the REST specification of a portal and supports ArcGIS Portal API versions 1.6.1 and upwards. Portal for ArcGIS API allows application developers to work with users, groups and content hosted within ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Portal. Most commonly, applications may work with web maps that are accessed through the portal. An introduction to web maps can be found here.

You can learn about the concepts involved in the ArcGIS Portal API here http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/arcgisonline/index.html#//010q000000mv000000.

The Portal API includes the following classes which provide read access to the portal:

Working with the Portal for ArcGIS API

The ArcGIS Runtime for Java Sample Application has Portal samples showing how to list a portal's Featured Groups and display a WebMap .
