Changing the portal content directory

When you install Portal for ArcGIS, a directory is created to store content saved and uploaded by users of the portal. This is known as the portal content directory. On Windows, the default location is c:\arcgisportal. On Linux, the default location is <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal.

You can change the location of the portal content directory. For example, you may decide to put it on another machine that has more disk space or a more rigorous backup environment. It's recommended that you make this change before exposing the portal to end users.

Changing the portal content directory on Windows

Follow these steps to change the portal content directory if you are running on the Windows operating system.

  1. If Portal for ArcGIS is running as the Local System account (which is the default), change it to run as a local or domain account of your choosing. To do this, follow the instructions in Changing the Portal for ArcGIS account.
  2. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
  3. In the Services console, right-click the Portal for ArcGIS Windows service and click Stop.
  4. Make a copy of the portal content directory in your new desired location.
  5. If the folder will be accessed across the network through a shared path, share the folder and grant the Portal for ArcGIS account Change level share permissions.
  6. Grant the Portal for ArcGIS account Modify level file permissions to the directory.
  7. In the Services console, right-click the Portal for ArcGIS service and click Properties.
  8. Click the Log On tab, select This account, and enter the username and password of the Portal for ArcGIS account. Then click OK.
  9. In a text editor, open the file <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>\etc\
  10. Set the property to the new path of your portal content directory and save the file. Use the forward slash (/) as the directory delimiter (for example: data.dir=//portaldev/arcgisportal).
  11. In the Services console, right-click the Portal for ArcGIS service and click Start.

Changing the portal content directory on Linux

Follow these steps to change the portal content directory if you are running on a Linux operating system.

  1. Log in to the machine as the account that was used to install Portal for ArcGIS.
  2. Stop the portal by running the script. This script is located in the root location of portal's installation directory.
  3. Make a copy of the portal content directory in your new desired location.
  4. Grant the account that was used to install Portal for ArcGIS 700 permissions to the new directory. If this is a network location, make sure the account can access the directory.
  5. In a text editor, open the file <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/etc/
  6. Set the property to the new path of your portal content directory and save the file, for example, data.dir=/net/portaldev/arcgisportal.
  7. Start the portal by running the script. This script is located in the root location of portal's installation directory.