Configuring the home page

As an administrator of your organization, you can set up the look and functionality of your organization's home page.

To configure the home page, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to the portal website as an administrator and click the My Organization link on the top menu.

    Your organization page opens.

  2. Click the Edit Settings button.
  3. Click the Home Page link on the left side of the page.
  4. Configure any of the following home page settings:
    • For Background Image, select the default image, upload your own image, or specify no background image.

      If you upload your own image, the image is positioned at the top and center of the page. The image repeats horizontally if it is smaller than the browser or device window. If you want a single, nonrepeating background image, for best results, the image should be 1920 pixels wide (or smaller if your users are on smaller screens). The website does not resize the image. You can upload a file up to 1 MB in size.

    • For Banner, select an image or choose to create a custom design. To create the custom design, you can use the rich text editor or switch to the HTML source code view.

      For best results, your image should be 960 pixels wide by 180 pixels high. You can upload a file up to 1 MB in size. For more information on using HTML, see Supported HTML for configuring the website.

    • For Featured Content, choose a group whose content you want featured on the home page. Up to 12 items in the group can appear on the home page. You can also choose not to feature any content.

      To change how the items are sorted, select a field in the drop-down list next to Sorted by. To change how the items are ordered, check or uncheck the box next to Ascending. If you change the sort field or order here, the items on the group page, as well as on embedded galleries or gallery apps, are also changed.

  5. Click Save to save the changes you've made.
