Disabling users' ability to create built-in portal accounts

This topic only applies to 10.2.1 and later versions.
By default, users can click the Create An Account button to create a built-in portal account. If you are using enterprise accounts or want the portal administrator to create all accounts, you should disable this functionality. To do this, alter the showSignUp parameter in the config.js configuration file. The config.js file is located in <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/customizations/10.2.2/webapps/arcgis#home/js/esri/arcgisonline.
- As the portal administrator, open the config.js file in a text editor.
- Scroll down to find the showSignUp parameter.
- Set the showSignUp parameter to false to disable the sign-up page for your portal.
- You must restart the portal for this change to take effect.
Once the portal restarts, users will no longer have access to the portal's sign-up page and cannot create their own accounts.