Make Operations Dashboard available from your portal
Make Operations Dashboard available through search on Portal for ArcGIS so that your users can easily find and install the app. Create an item on your portal that downloads and installs Operations Dashboard from ArcGIS Online. Users who install the app from this location will get updated versions as they're released.

If you are unable to access ArcGIS Online, need to use your company's certificate to sign the app, need control over the version of Operations Dashboard that your users are running, or need to restrict users to connect to only your portal, see Deploy Operations Dashboard to your portal instead of following the steps here.
- Log in to your portal through a web browser.
- Click My Content, then click Add Item.
- Select An application in the item drop-down list, and select the Mobile radio button.
- Type as the URL to the Operations Dashboard app.
- Type Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS as the title.
- Type Operations Dashboard for the tags.
- Click Add Item.
You are taken to the item details page for your newly added Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS item.
- Click Share to share your new item.
- Select the sharing option that matches who you want to have access:
- Everyone—Anyone who can access your organization's website can access the download.
- Your organization—All members of your organization can access the download.
- A group or set of groups—Members of the selected groups can access the download.
Share the item with the Feature Maps and Apps group so that it is included in the Feature Content Gallery of your organization. Not all users have permission to share items with this group.
- Click OK in the Share dialog box.
- Click Edit to edit the item details.
- In the Description field, type:
Provide a common operational picture for monitoring, tracking, and reporting an event or series of events to a group of people within your organization. Focus on aspects of an event or activity that matter most to you. Monitor services, deliveries, people, vehicles, and more, anywhere in the world.
Key Features
- Create and share operational views that include interactive maps, charts, gauges, and other performance indicators.
- Build operational views for use on multiple monitors or single-display devices.
- Extend and customize Operations Dashboard with new widgets, map tools, and feature actions.
To learn more about Operations Dashboard, see its help.
Install Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Where help links to and Install Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS links to
- In Access and Use Constraints, type:
ArcGIS organizational account required.
Operations Dashboard runs on Windows. Microsoft .NET 4.5 Framework is required. You can install this from the Microsoft Download Center. You must have administrative privileges on your machine (desktop or tablet) to install Microsoft .NET 4.5 Framework.
See Operations Dashboard system requirements.
Where Microsoft Download Center links to and Operations Dashboard system requirements links to
- Click Save.