Editing an existing field in the collection or extended metadata display (Bathymetry Solution)
Once you have created at least one BIS geodatabase, you can link bathymetry data to the BIS geodatabase and associate metadata to the bathymetry data. ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry allows you to edit existing metadata fields in the Manage Collections and Add Bathymetry dialog boxes, and Explore Bathymetry and Compose Surface windows. Just as with adding new fields, editing existing fields allows you to ensure that your metadata values continue to meet your business rule requirements. This may be helpful or necessary if a field name becomes obsolete, even if its field values are not. In this case, updating the field name to something more relevant may be helpful. When editing a field, although the field type is not editable, the field name as well as any of the other field properties may be modified. Note that each field type has a different set of available field properties.
Although field parameters that are modified in an existing metadata field will not be applied to any datasets that have an existing value already defined, they will constrain any new values that may be entered. For example, a text field that previously had a maximum length of 50 characters, but is redefined to only allow a maximum of 30, does not make any of the old field values over 30 characters invalid; instead, it restricts any new values from being entered that exceed the new maximum value.
The following steps provide an example of how to edit an existing text field in your collection metadata schema. You can verify the change from the Manage Collections and Add Bathymetry dialog boxes, and Explore Bathymetry and Compose Surface windows. These same steps can also be used to edit a text field in your collection metadata schema. You can also follow the same workflow when editing fields of any other type as well.
If you use multiple BIS geodatabases that require custom metadata, you will need to make changes to the metadata files for each of those BIS geodatabases individually.
In the event that you need to make any major configuration changes to either your collection or extended metadata schema, it is recommended that you make a backup copy so you can revert to your prior configuration if necessary. The location of your current metadata schema can be found on the System Settings tab under BIS Paths.
- Start ArcMap.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Bathymetry.
Click the Manage BIS Settings button
on the Bathymetry toolbar.
The Manage BIS Settings dialog box appears. The settings for your active BIS geodatabases are shown in the dialog box.
- Click the Metadata tab.
- Click the ellipsis (…) next to the appropriate option to configure the schema for either the extended or collection metadata.
The appropriate metadata configuration editor dialog box appears.
Right-click the field name and click Edit.
The Edit Metadata Field dialog box appears.
- Modify the applicable field property values.
The field type cannot be modified.
- Click OK.
- Click OK to save and close the metadata configuration editor.
Although the metadata configuration editor will update immediately, for the schema change to be reflected in other dialog boxes and windows where this field is visible, such as the Manage Collections and Add Bathymetry dialog boxes and the Explore Bathymetry and Compose Surface windows, you will need to close and restart ArcMap to see the applied changes.
- Close ArcMap.
- Start ArcMap.
Click the Manage Collections button
on the Bathymetry toolbar.
The Manage Collections dialog box appears.
In this example, the collection metadata file is edited.
The field that was modified includes the updates you made.