Showing tables
To see information about features in a layer, you can display an interactive table at the bottom of the web map. Seeing a tabular view of the data can be a quick way to analyze information and start making decisions. You can sort, resize, reorder, and hide the data, as well as select specific attributes to see on the map. For example, you could show a table for a crimes layer and see the different types of crime that your district had responded to over the last two years. You might rearrange the columns so types and date are next to each other, hide some of the columns of data not relevant to your task, and zoom the map to a specific crime you wanted to investigate further.
Showing tables can be a useful way to see which features will display in your map. If the layer contains features that aren't important to your audience, you can set up a more focused display of the layer by applying filters.
Showing a table
To show a table of attribute information for a layer in a web map, follow the steps below:
- Open the map with the feature data you want to see in a table.
- Click the Contents button from the Details panel.
- Navigate to the feature layer and click the arrow to the right of the layer name.
- Click Show Table. The table appears at the bottom of your web map.
- Click Hide Table to close the table view in the web map.
Table options
Once you've displayed a table, you can resize the table, select a record and zoom to it on the map, and hide/show columns.
- To see a feature on the map, click a record (row) in the table, click the arrow to the right of Table Options, and click Zoom To Selection.
- To see multiple features on the map, hold down the SHIFT key and select multiple records or range of records. Hold down the CTRL key to select two or more nonadjacent records.
- To clear a selection, click Clear Selection. This option is useful to unselect all selected records.
- To hide or show attribute fields, click the arrow to the right of Table Options, and click Show/Hide Columns. Check boxes to show attribute columns. Uncheck boxes to hide them.
- To create a query expression that filters what feature data appears in the map and table, click the arrow to the right of Table Options, and click Filter. For more information on working with filters, see Applying filters.
- For image layers only, to select the visible rasters in your current area of interest and at the current pixel size, click the arrow to the right of Table Options, and click Select Visible Rasters.
- For image layers only, to display selected rasters, click the arrow to the right of Table Options, select one or more rows of rasters, and click Display Selected Rasters.
- For image layers only, to display all rasters, click the arrow to the right of Table Options, select one or more rows of rasters, click Display Selected Rasters, and click Display All Rasters (after you select Display Selected Rasters, the button name changes to Display All Rasters.)
- To rearrange the columns, drag the column headers left or right.
- To resize the table vertically, drag the splitter bar that is centered above the table title up or down.
- To hide the table, click the X in the upper right of the table or click Hide Table from the layer menu.
Considerations for showing a table
- You can see a table for these types of layers: ArcGIS Server 10 SP1, and later, feature and map services, hosted feature services, hosted tiled map services with associated attribute data, and shapefiles, GPX files, and CSV (files and web).
- Tables display the same attribute fields and formatting configured in pop-up windows. You can change a field name by editing the field alias in the Configure Attributes window of the Pop-up Properties. If you make updates to the pop-up window configuration while the table is open, you'll need to hide and show the table to see the updates. For more information on configuring attributes, see Configuring pop-up windows.
- If you select a single record to zoom to, the map zooms to the extent of the feature if the feature is a line or polygon. If the feature is a point, the map pans to the feature and, if necessary, zooms to a scale where the feature is visible.
- If you select multiple records to zoom to, the map zooms to the extent of all the features. You may not see all the features if the extent of all the selected features is outside the visibility scale range of the layer.
- If you've selected a record in the table and open a pop-up window in the map, you'll clear the selection in the table.
- If the layer is hidden in the map, you cannot zoom to a selection.