Sharing groups

You can immediately share any public group that you belong to or find in the website by posting it on a social networking site such as Twitter, e-mailing a link, or embedding it in a website, or creating a gallery application. Open the group, click the Share button, and choose an option for sharing the group.

You can also share groups you own. Use the website to create a group, add some content, and invite members to join so they can contribute content. Follow the process below to share your group.

Log in to the website

Log in to the website. Before you log in for the first time, you need to create an account. For more information, see Creating an account. If you have an existing Esri Global Account, you can register it for ArcGIS Online, then use it as your login for the website. For more information, see Registering an existing Esri Global Account.

Create a group

To create a group, open Groups and click the Create a Group button. A window opens where you can enter a name, summary, description, tag, and thumbnail. For more information, see Creating groups.

Make your group public

Before you can share your group outside the website and embed it in your website, you need to make it public. To do this, select public as the status for the group.


Your organization may restrict members from sharing items outside the organization. If this is the case, users and publishers won't see options to share groups with everybody (public). Administrators, however, can choose to share any item in the organization publicly.

Share your group

There are several ways you can share groups you belong to:
