Adding files from your computer

You can add files from your computer to the website, such as layer packages and templates. Once you've added files, you can share them so others can download and open the files in desktop applications. For a complete list of supported files, see What can you add to ArcGIS Online? Organizational accounts can also add image files and use the URL that appears in the details page to show images in web apps, pop-up windows in web maps and so on. You need to share the image file with everybody (public) to see the URL in the item details page.

  1. Verify that you are signed in.
  2. Open My Content and click the Add Item button.

    The Add Item window appears.

  3. Choose On my Computer from the The item is options.
  4. Click the browse button and choose the file on your computer.
  5. If you uploaded a ZIP file, choose the contents of the file, for example map template or code sample.
  6. If you uploaded a code sample (.zip), choose the language of the sample , for example Java or C++.
  7. Type a title.
  8. Type tags.

    Tags are words or short phrases that describe your item. Separate terms with commas. Federal land is considered one tag, while Federal, land is considered two tags.

  9. Click the Add Item button.

Once you've added your file, it appears on My Content and you can edit the item details and share it.


The following files types require an organizational account to add to the website: Image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff), Microsoft Excel document (.xls, .xlsx), Microsoft PowerPoint document (.ppt, .pptx), Microsoft Visio document (.vsd), Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx), and Portable Document Format (PDF) file (.pdf)

Publishing data files as hosted feature services

If you are a publisher in your organization, you can choose to create hosted feature services when you upload a shapefile or CSV file. For more information, see Publishing a hosted feature service using a shapefile or CSV file. You can also choose to create a hosted feature service from a Service Definition file you created in ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1 or later. When you add shapefiles, CSV files, or Service Definition files to My Content, you see an option to publish the file as a feature service. If you elect not to publish the service at the time you add the file, you can publish later by following the steps below.

  1. Verify that you are signed in and that you are a publisher of your organization.
  2. Open My Content and click the title of the data file you want to publish as a hosted feature service.
  3. Click the Publish button.
  4. Type a title.
  5. Type tags.

    Tags are words or short phrases that describe your item. Separate terms with commas. Federal land is considered one tag, while Federal, land is considered two tags.

  6. Choose to locate the features using latitude-longitude or address.

    By default, ArcGIS Online geocodes addresses based on your organization's region.

  7. To change the country that ArcGIS Online uses to geocode your addresses, select a different country from the Country drop-down list. If your file contains addresses from multiple countries or from a country not in the list, select World.
  8. Review the field types and location fields.
    1. Click a Field Name cell to change the name.
    2. Click a Field Type cell to choose a different type.
    3. Click a Location Field cell to choose a different field.
  9. Click the Publish button.

Your file is published as a service. One way to test the new service is to view it in the map viewer.

The data file and the service appear as two items in My Content. You can edit item details and share the items. The items are independent, so, for example, if you change the thumbnail in the service's item details, the thumbnail does not update on the file's item details.
